Chapter 27

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"This way sire."

King Raegan followed willingly, used to Adelaide's gentle instructions.

That was until a gentle humming began covering the courtyard with sweet music.

"What's that sound? It's music, I like music." The king rambled, standing around dumbfounded as the two posted guards in the courtyard were suddenly taken out, tumbling across the ground. Adelaide fled the courtyard in distress leaving the king alone.


King Raegan turned to see Master Kwan offering him a medicine vial, and confusion etched his face.

"But have I not had my medicine?"

"This is a new potion highness," Kwan insisted, "it will clear you head."

Mansel had followed close behind the two foreigners as he finally came back to his conscious mind. However it took him a moment to realize he was standing in the castle courtyard in his undergarments

The king shrugged absently, with no objections he downed the vial just as the courtyard's massive doors opened, admitting a large number of soilders.

"Surround them!" One called.

Mansel rushed past the king to seek refuge behind his throne, taking a blanket from the royal seat to cover himself, the king following calmly as the knights formed a large circle around Kwan and Liane.

Osric was seething as he stepped up to Kwan and Liane, "You came here looking for the dragon and found him." He snapped. "Now I must find him and time grows short. Where is he?"

Kwan stood a little straighter, just his tense shoulders were the only indicators of his slight irritation.

"I have been your "honored" guest all day, how could I possibly know?"

Osric had had enough, he made to slap the old man when the girl at his side, blocked his blow and deflected it in one smooth motion.

"A girl? You look familiar..."

She spoke with aged wisdom, and royal formality, "Perhaps you met one of my relatives while you were gathering herbs to poison your king."

The lord didn't answer her, in fact he merely looked her up and down, trying to find the source of the feeling of knowing her when his eyes fell on the red sash held amulet.

"The...Amulet of the Chinese Emeperor!...Kuo Fang..."

His eyes glared into the young princess' as he paced around her, mind visibly roiling as his face changed through a series of emotions.

"I understand now," The old man spoke up, " is YOU!"

"Who Master Kwan?" Liane asked.

Osric smiled mockingly, "In the flesh."

The man lunged at the amulet, only to be thrown over Kwan's shoulder, sailing into a pair of knights.

"Throw the amulet in the fire!"

Liane took off the amulet and threw it into the coal pan. Osric could only stare as the box heated and charred in the coal burning flames.

Kwan and Liane continued to fight back the knights as Osric finally kicked the coal pan over into the courtyard fountain, sending up clouds of steam that could rival a dragon's smoke.

Everyone went completely still.

After the water had cooled the amulet slightly, Liane only stared blankly from her stance in front of her master as Osric opened the amulet, and gasped for breath, shock heavily on his mind as he stared at the shriveled heart inside.

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