4: Mate

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Hello everyone!

I just want to thank the readers who leaves a comment on the previous chapters. I promise you to improve my writing. Well, I am not an American and english is not my usual language. So, please forgive me... :-)

Also, this is dedicated to you, Japanime15. I really appreciate your comments.

Enjoy reading and don't forget to vote... <3

Picture of Yumi at the first day of school at the right side ---->


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Chapter 4

Yumi’s POV

Days went fast as it now the first day of school. I feel so nervous. I wake up early today and do my morning routines. I chose to wear a loose pink t-shirt and yellow shorts with blue belt. I also put a pink headband on my hair. I decided to match my outfit with brown sandals. I didn’t apply make-up as usual. After seeing myself in the mirror, I decided to go downstairs.

Ysa is the first to notice me. “Good morning Yumi!” She said. I smile on her and greeted her same. We both headed to the kitchen afterwards. Uncle Jack is reading a newspaper while drinking his coffee. Aunt Eula is currently setting a plate on each sit. Alden is already sat on one chair. Ysa and I sit on the vacant chairs. All of us greeted our ‘good mornings’ and eat our breakfast with a little chats.

After we finished, the three of us, Ysa, Alden and I, get our bags and headed outside for school. I saw a white BMW M6 coupe and wonder to whose car it is. “Get in, Yumi!” Ysa said excitedly.

“Is it yours?” I asked her while pointing in the car. She smiled before giving her answer.

“Yup, it was my parents’ 18th birthday gift to me.” I just nod and get in to the backseat. While Alden get in to the front as Ysa, obviously in the driver’s seat.

After fifteen minutes, we arrive at my new school. While Ysa is looking for a space to park her car, I look around the school, Carson Smith High School as written on the front part of the gate. It’s really big like my old school. Ysa told me this school is one of the popular and competitive schools here in Vancouver. However, it is still different as my old school is an art school. Though, they are offering basic subjects such as English, Science and Math but mostly Arts related subjects.

“Let’s go?” Ysa suddenly said and made me back to my senses.

“Uhm…okay.” That’s all I manage to say. Ysa and her brother get off first. I notice the people around stop on their tracks and look at the car. I wonder why. Finally, getting off the car and look around. I saw the guys looking at me like I was a… prey? Is that the right term? Oh, and the girls are frowning. Why is that? I find their looks so weird. Moreover, the three of us starts heading our way. But Alden is on a different way since he is still in the middle high. Ysa told me that they already got their schedules last week.

“Come on and we’ll get your schedule in the office,” Ysa suddenly said. Again, I just nod on her and we both made our way there. Still, the people are looking. I sigh. I really don’t know why they keep their gazes on us, or is it just on me? I shrug and focus on our way. I really hate unwanted attention.

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