10: Mystery Letter

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Hi readers!

Just a short update for today. I'm a bit busy because of my work. :-)

I'll update more on weekends. Hope you enjoy reading this chapter.


Dedicated to one of my favorite author in wattpad... Maroon1479 :-)

 Yumi's picture on the right side ------ >


No Proofreading


Chapter 10

Yumi’s POV

I felt a warm hand caressing my face. Am I still dreaming? The way he touched my face was perfect, as if his hand were made for me. I love it. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. With that, I opened my eyes just to meet a pair of blue stormy orbs which I grown of love since the first day I met him. He is staring at me lovingly and I smile at him. “Good morning, my Angel.” He said while getting myself sit on my bed.

“Good morning... But, what are you doing here? How did you get in my room?” I sleepily asked him. He chuckled and leaned in closer to me. He nuzzled his nose to my neck. He did that again. I bet it’s his favorite gesture. I mentally shrugged at the thought. I wrapped my arms to his neck and enjoy the warmth of his body on mine. “You did not answer my questions.” I said while pouting and still holding each other.

“I sneak at your bedroom’s window.” He smirked and pulled away gently from me. I slapped him in his chest playfully. He just laughed at me and I glared at him.

“Why did you do that? What if you fall in getting here? You might get hurt.” I frowned with concern. That was not safe for him, even with a body like that. I must tell him not to do that next time. I am about to speak again when he cuts me.

“You don’t need to worry.” He paused and stares at me deep in my eyes, which turns from being playful to serious. He cupped my cheeks with both hands. “I can handle myself. I will never get hurt that easily.” I don’t know if it’s just me, I just felt weird in how he spoke those words. “Now, it’s time to get up my love. I’ll wait for you downstairs.” I blush as I hear him calling me, my love. I just nod at him.

As Dylan said, we ate our breakfast together. I found out that my Aunt and the others already left to their whereabouts. After that, he drove me to school as it resumes today. The car went to stop as we arrive in school. Before I get off his car, he pulls and kiss me fully on my lips. I blush. I still not used to it.

“You’re blushing.” He said teasingly while running his thumb on my cheeks. I glares at him but just got a sexy smile from him. “You don’t need to be shy with me. You’re my girl now and I love you.” I nodded. He gives me a peck on my lips and get off the car. I watch him as he turn on my side and open the car’s door for me, such a gentleman. He pulls me out gently. Then, I saw Mila waving on us. We start walking; as usual the students are looking on our way. Mila reach on us, together with Allysa and Travis, all of them are having a huge grin on their faces.

“How are you Yumi?” Travis said still grinning. I gave him a smile.

“I’m good.” I answer him. “What about you?”

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