21.2: The Moon and the Sun: Klaus

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Chapter 21.2

A smooth sound of a flute surrounds the forest in the middle of the night. For sure, it is unusual for anyone to choose playing a music instrument in this hour. But for him, it is just perfect. He continues playing while his eyes close. As the wind blows up, he sense someone is looking on him; as if it is looking at his soul. He didn't open his eyes but instead feel this stranger's gaze into him. For some reasons, he didn't feel threatened or scared but happiness. He is somewhat confuse.

Just as his mind rants to open his eyes and see who the stranger is, he follows it but only to gasps. This stranger is indeed, a beauty of her own. She is the most beautiful creature that he had seen. His heart begins to pound continuously faster than usual. He almost drops his flute, being captivated by the beauty in front of him.  He nervously smiles and then their gaze met each other. It was then he realizes something. He understands now. She is his soul mate, his other half. He slowly walks towards her and can feel every sparks that tingles through his veins. As he stares at her, he can't help but to chuckles a bit. She looks so nervous and shock, looking so innocent.

The beauty tries to speak but can see very clearly that she is failing by biting her pink lips. For a moment, he can feel his body tensed by just a small act from her. He is really attracted to her. He suddenly says his name to her, but she just stares at him. But after saying it further, her face blush and mumbles her name to him. She said her name is Amaia. It is such a beautiful name.

Since then, they became inseparable. They meet each other as often and as they can. As days passed, his feelings for this young beauty seem to grow more. He wonders if she feels the same. Then, the day came when he confess his true nature to her. He said he is a wizard. But what surprises him is the thing she said about herself. She is a royal princess fairy. For a moment, his breathing hardened as thinking about it. His face fills with worry of some reasons he is the only one knows. He saw confusion on her face. Slowly, he reaches her face and kisses her forehead. He decides to just drop this new found information to a side.

One night, they stay side by side near the lake. There, he said the story of the Moon and the Sun to Amaia. Actually, it is his favorite story since he was a kid. As he tells the story, Amaia seem to willingly listening to every word he said. It's as if her life depends on it. Then he realizes by the look at her face that it is the same as her. She and the moon are the same. They are both lonely and empty who is looking for happiness. At that very moment, he can feel her emotions. He reaches her hands and holds it tightly. Then, continues to speak until he finishes the story.

"I like it." She whispers while staring at the moonlight in the sky.

"I know you will." He hugs her tight while kissing her temple. "You will always be my moon, as I know will be on my side no matter what happens. We will always back and stick together, though we are apart and distance." He said with so much love that can clearly see in his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He kisses Amaia on the lips; a kiss with a promise of loyalty, faith and undying love.

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