23.2: Secrets

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Picture of Amaia and Eula at the right side ---->>>>>>>>>>

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Chapter 23.2

“I found out who her real parents are…”

Dylan’s POV

For a moment, all I have to do is to stare at Eula with confusion. What did she just said? She already knew my Angel’s real parents? But how… how did she know it?

“Alpha…” She called me but I just can’t find the words to say right now. What should I say? I didn’t have a clue. “Her real parents… They are… uhm…” I patiently wait for her next words to say but choke on the last words.

“What Eula? They are what? I gritted my teeth out of my temper cause by her, as I assume, nonsense talking. I need facts. I don’t need her stuttering of words.  “Just tell me straight!” She flinched by my harsh order but regain her posture in front of me.

“They are not humans.”  She turns away from me and go to the window of the room.

“How... how did you find out?” I murmur while looking at her with her back. My fist balled at the silence which is filling the room.

“It’s just… Alpha, please listen to what I will say now.” I nod sternly at her as she continues to speak. “This morning, I was taking a walk through the forest when I met a woman, a beautiful woman.” She paused for a moment while still staring at outside through the window. “She is no ordinary woman. I can sense that when she speaks. At first, I thought she meant harm on our territory so I held a fighting gaze at her.” She chuckles sadly and I can see the discomfort through her shoulders. “What surprise me is that… is when she kneels in front of me.” She whispers the last sentence but enough for me to hear. This time, Eula turns around to look at me and continues. I saw a flicker of tears at the corner of her eyes.

“Why… why did she kneel in front of you?” I quietly ask her.

“She was asking for my forgiveness. She was asking for my sister and her husband’s forgiveness. And most of all, she was asking for her daughter’s forgiveness…” She looks away from my intense gaze as she speaks again. “She said she feels sorry for abandoning her own daughter. It is not her choice but it is destined to be that way.”

“Who is she?’ She keeps her mouth shut as I wait for the answer. “I am asking you, Eula.” I use my Alpha tone on her. I want answer now.

“The woman you found on Yumi’s room when she was attempted to killed by the rogue.” I stare at her with disbelief. “Yes Alpha Dylan, that powerful woman who keeps casting spell all over the room that time.  As I informed by her, she is a fairy… but not just an ordinary fairy. She is the only heiress, being the queen, a Sylph Queen. It means that Yumi, being her daughter is next in line.”

“What the hell?!”  My mate is a princess. I grab my hair in frustration. She is not a human. I put a sly smile on my face. Well, I cannot argue of her being a princess because it suits her. She is very calm and soft, just really like a royalty. My wolf and I filled with pride being mated with someone like her. But even she’s not a royalty, I still love her and proud of her being my soul mate. I love her no matter who she is. “How about her father, who’s the father?”

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