8: I love you

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Chapter 8

Yumi’s POV

Today is Thanksgiving Day and it means no school for a while. I grin lazily while lying on my bed. I close my eyes when I hear my cellphone rings. I grab and answer it without looking at the screen. A deep familiar voice greets me.

“Good morning, Angel.” He said and I immediately smile. It still makes me shiver everytime he calls me by his endearment for me.

Dylan. Since the day, he had confessed to me he became more caring than the usual. We always go on a date. He brought me to different fancy restaurant which I am not used to go. Also still, when a guy looking at me he is giving them a death glare and got possessive of me. He never changed. At first, I find it annoying but got used to it. Actually, I find it sweet when he did that. Moreover, he calls every hour of the day, literally. I just didn’t realize that I always expecting his calls each day.

“Good morning…” I mumble while staring at my bedroom’s ceiling.

“Did you have your breakfast already?” He quietly asks. I smile at his thoughtfulness.

“I’m still in bed. I want to sleep more…”  I lazily whisper and hear him chuckles.

“Angel, get off the bed now and take your breakfast. You must be starving now.” I sigh as he pauses for a moment. “Anyway, I’ll go there by lunch time.”

“Yeah. Aunt Eula already told me about that last night. So, I’ll see you later?” I ask while biting my nails.

“Hmm. See you later, Angel.” He hangs up as he said that. I put my phone on the table and get off my bed. I start heading to the bathroom to get clean.

It is now lunch time. The table is full of different dishes, including my favorite Korean cuisine, Bulgogi. Dylan just arrived a while ago with his sister, Mila and bestfriend, Travis. My aunt calls our attention and we head to the kitchen to eat. Each has their own conversation. I, on the other hand, just listen to what they are talking about. But nothing interests me. I continue eating when a hand tapped my shoulder. I turn to see Dylan with a worried look on his face. Why is that?

“Are you okay?” He asked quietly. I nod and give him a warm smile. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it. “Let’s go outside.” He whispers in my ear and told the others that we will be going outside the house. He then pulls me on my wrist and walks us into the forest. We stop in the lake and sit on the large rock near it.

“So, what are you thinking?” Dylan suddenly asks, breaking the silence between us.

“Nothing…” I murmur, looking at the lake. He really cares for me. I can feel it. I love the way he worries for me, like now. I felt him moving closer beside me. He pulls me in a tight hug and run his fingers on my hair. It feels so good being by his side, as always.

“You can tell me anything, you know that...” He said still hugging me. I smile and rub his back.

I miss my parents… W-when occasion like this came; I always wish they’re still here with me.” I pause for a while and continue. “Back in Korea, I was jealous of my classmates when class resumes from vacation breaks. They keep talking about how they spent it with their parents. While me, I got nothing to share. I feel so alone.” I pulls away from him and look up in the sky. I smile bitterly.

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