22: Meeting the Wolf

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Chapter 22

Yumi’s POV

It is December now and Christmas is fast approaching. I thought I need to buy my boyfriend a gift. I blush with how my mind says him as my boyfriend. As I walk through the hallway while thinking of what to buy for Dylan, I bumped into something… or should I say someone? I look up and see Jin. He gives me a smile as I fix myself from nearly stumbling down on him.

“How are you?” We both said at the same time. Suddenly, our laughs fill the whole empty hallway of our school.

“You first…” He said to me playfully. I’m so glad that he can able to talk to me again after things happened between us.

“I’m good. It’s been a while, Jin. How are things doing for you?” I ask quietly as I stare at his angelic face. He gave me a quick smile before speaking. He puts his both hands in his jeans pocket and looks away from me.

“You know what, Yumi… when I heard what happened to you, I was having a nearly heart attack. I don’t know what to do. I was scared for you. I’m scared that I will not be able to see you breathing, smiling at me and looking with those beautiful eyes…” Then he turns and looks at me sadly. “Even though I can never have you, I still want to know everything you’re doing.”

I smile weakly at him. For a moment, I can’t find the words to say. I know what he feels right now. But I can’t do anything about it. I’m just hoping that someday, he will find a girl who deserves his love.


I smile at myself with a paper back on my right hand. I already buy a gift for Dylan. I just hope he will like it. The sky is dark as I gotten myself out of the store. I look around and saw a few people passing by the road. I sigh. I didn’t notice the time. I check my cellphone from my pocket but got disappointed to see that it was lowbatt. I thought of Dylan. Maybe he was trying to call me. Also, my Aunt Eula is worrying right now. I didn’t tell them my plans for today. Sighing deeply, I decided to start walking home. There are few cabs passing by and they are so fast to notice me. Sadly to say, I have to take a shortcut way to get myself home fast and it is through the woods.

The wind keeps blowing on my face as I keep walking in this forest. The trees are swaying back and forth as if it is dancing in the moonlight. Actually, I am enjoying watching them as I passed. After a few minutes, I felt tired and decided to stop for a while. I walk towards an old tree and sit under it while putting my paper bag besides me. I pull a bottle of water inside my bag and drink it. As soon as I finish, I close my eyes for a while to rest.

I didn’t know that I got myself sleep under the tree for an hour. Quickly, I fix myself as the darkness of the sky is filling the forest. My family will be worried by now. I am about to walk when I heard a twig snap from behind. I look around and my heart begins to pound fast. Maybe, it’s a wrong idea to rest for a while in this forest. I should have got myself home to rest not here! I scolded myself. I decided to just ignore it and continue to walk without looking back.

I walk faster as my heart keeps pounding so fast. I am so nervous right now. I can feel that someone is watching me behind those trees. My thoughts keep my mind busy as I didn’t notice the huge shadow behind me. I am scared shitless right now. What is that?

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