17: Stay Still, my Angel

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Hi readers,

Sorry for the late update. 

Here is now the new chapter. I hope you like it.

Enjoy reading... :-)


No Proofreading


Chapter 17

Yumi’s POV

As my eyes slightly open, I feel the two arms wraps tightly around my body. I instantly get nervous. The last time I checked, I am alone in my own room. My eyes widen and pull forcibly myself away from who I thought a stranger. I didn’t notice that I am at the edge of my bed and about to fall when he grabs me, placing my face into his defined chest. I close my eyes and feel the moment, to my stupidity of not recognizing him at first. How can I? Smiling at myself, I gently push him to turn my head up to his handsome face.

Angel? What’s wrong? Did you get hurt? He asks worriedly as his eyes trace my body to find any damage. His eyes become darker. I thought for it for a second. Is it really changes all the time? Maybe, I’ll ask him the next time. I quietly shake my head and touch his face. He pulls me to a hug and lay again on my bed, leaving me at the top of him.  I lean my head on his chest as he runs down his fingers on my hair. I always find it sweet and relaxing. Then suddenly I remember something.

“Dylan?” I pause for a moment and I feel him waiting for me to continue. “What are you doing here? Did you sneak again on my bedroom window?”

I hear his soft chuckles and I pouted. As I turn to face him, I met his eyes… Those beautiful blue orbs that always captivate me. Instead of answering me, he just stares back in my eyes with emotions Ican barely read. He slowly leans in closer to me and to my surprise, he kiss me… in my lips. It always like the first time we kiss. Sparks fly around us, then tingles went through my skin. I really love this feeling. I wonder if he feels the same way.

He continues to kiss me until I notice that he is on top of me. His kisses are becoming deep and more demanding; as his hands are touching my thighs and arms. I begin to feel tense. What to do? He suddenly stops and pulls away from me with a guilty look at his face.

“I’m sorry.” He said, running his fingers in his hair and closing his eyes. “Really, am sorry…”

“Hey, it’s fine… really.” I said. He sighs heavily and stands up from my bed walking through my window. I follow him and hug him from behind. Quietly, I lean my head on his back for a couple of minutes.

I feel his hands touching my arms that wrap around his body. I smile and then, he turns to look down at me. He cups my face and murmurs his sorry repeatedly.

“I am really sorry, Angel. I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just that… I just can’t help it. Please, don’t get mad at me. I promise-” I cut him off.

“I said its fine. No need to get upset with that.” I smile brightly at him, reassuring that everything is fine. I know he didn’t mean it. I know how much he respects me. I can feel it. He is a good person. I can never be mad at him. I squeeze his hands that are cupping my face. “I love you.” I whisper.

“I love you too. I love you so much… my Angel.” He said pulling me closer to him. He kisses my forehead and stay like that for a while.

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