21.1: The Moon and the Sun: Amaia

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Hi readers,

I know I promise you to update this weekends and I didn't. I'm very sorry. I had an unexpected thing to do. But I hope you like this chapter.

Enjoy reading.


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Chapter 21.1

18 years ago…

The sky seems calm and bright on this day. A very young and innocent looking girl thought on her mind as she walks pass the woods in the forest with a breathtaking smile. What would someone like her doing in the forest alone? Simple; she escape again. Well, she can’t help it. Often times, she wishes to do what a normal girls doing with same age as her. But being a royal princess keeps her from doing this and she hates that fact. Maybe her servants are gone crazily looking for her now. She smirks and continues wandering around the forest while humming a melody.

A sound of a flute makes her stop in her tracks. Her eyes scan around and listen carefully on where it is coming from. It is so beautiful. She said to herself as she makes her way on the sound. As soon as she made it, her eyes lights up on the view. There is a beautiful lake and around this is a big stones. The trees are swaying together with the wind and the birds keep flying into it. But what caught her attention is the young guy playing smoothly a flute. She is facing his back and her mind keeps telling to go near him. She badly wants to see his face. She eagerly walks towards him and gasps as she saw his face. He is so handsome. His eyes are shut close as he plays the flute. She giggles while looking at the stranger guy in front of her. For some reasons, she feels something inside her. What could it be? She thought but she didn’t care for now. All she wants is to stare at his face.

Her eyes are busy looking around his face as she barely notices that the guy already stop playing and his eyes are now open. He held a curious gaze on the beautiful girl in front of him and can’t help but to smile. Then, their eyes met each other and stay like that for a moment. Sparks fly around them as they stare at each other eyes. The guy in front of her begins to stalk towards her. She suddenly becomes conscious as to what she looks like at this moment. She can almost hear her heart beat pounding so fast. She is nervous, indeed. But, why is that? She barely knows this guy and yet, he is making her feeling different emotions. As she looks up, she met a pair of green eyes she thought the most beautiful in the world.

For a second of being a princess in 18 years, she becomes speechless. The thing is she didn’t know how to start a conversation with this beautiful creature in front of her. She is a very smart girl and always confident at everything. Now, what will she do? She asks her self while biting her lips unconsciously.

The guy sensing the girl’s nervousness can’t help but to chuckle. She is beautiful in every way, he thought. For some reason, he can’t help but to feel attracted on her. For the very first time in his life, he becomes interested at a girl who he met just now. He sure is a handsome and girls at his age keeps drooling at him. But as he said, it is the first he feels an attraction to a girl. She looks like an angel sent from above. He thought he can stare at her beautiful face forever like this.

“Uhm…” She tries to start speaking but only failed because of stuttering. The guy looks amuse and chuckle at the girl. He clears his throat and decides to speak first.

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