26: The War Against the Rogues

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Dedicated to you and thank you for adding my story in your list. I hope you like it. ;-)


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Chapter 26

Yumi’s POV

“It’s because I’m the Alpha… the alpha werewolf.”


He said to me with a proud face but then, it made me more confuse. What is, well, an alpha? He may be noticed the confusion drawn in my face when he rubs his face in frustration. It made me frown and pouts my lips. He made his way to me and lifts my chin so our eyes meet.  

“I know it made you confuse…” He paused for a moment. “But I’ll promise to explain all of this later. Hmm? For now, I want you to take a rest.” I nodded my head as I closed my eyes.

“Will you stay here?” I whispered still my eyes closed. I felt his hands on my cheeks.

“Yes. I’ll never leave your side.” With those words being said, I let myself go to sleep knowing that he will not going to leave my side any time soon.

I was awake with by snarling and growling which I think came from outside this room. I pat each side of my bed to know if Dylan is still here but got sad when he’s not. Where is he? I ask myself in mind. I slowly head towards the door and quietly open it. That’s when voices went clearer this time.

“What the fuck is they wanted?!” I heard a familiar voice said sounding very angry. I then realized as soon as I got near the site that it was my boyfriend. I wonder what made him mad.

“Alpha, the rogue leader wants your mate.” A mate…? What is a mate?

“They don’t know what they are looking for! No one can touch what’s mine!” Dylan angrily shoved all the things in the living room in just one move. I always knew him to be easily angry but this time. I think it’s different. It’s a different kind of anger as if something precious is going to steal away from him.

“Luna?” A voice behind me said and I turn my head on him, though; I wonder who he is calling at. I just look at him and raised an eyebrow. “Luna, what are you doing here? Are you looking for Alpha?” He hesitantly looks into my eyes.

“Are you talking to me?” I said and points at myself after I noticed that no one aside from me is here.

“Y-yes.” He said with confusion.

“But…” I curiously eyed him. “I am not Luna. My name is Yumi.” I saw him scratch the back of his head. I chuckled at him on how cute he looks now.

“Uhm…” Before he continues what he will have to say, a loud growl was heard from my left. I look and saw Dylan making his way towards us with his fist balled. “A-Alpha…” The boy said in stuttering as he bows his head on him. Dylan just gritted his teeth as he glares at the guy beside me. I have no idea what he is fussing now.

“Mine!” He said and wraps an arm around my waist and gently places me into his chest. He nuzzles his face in my neck as usual.

“I’m sorry Alpha.” The boy whispered in fear. “I was just asking Luna if she was looking for you. That’s all.”

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