Epilogue Part 1: The Wedding

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Epilogue: The Wedding


Dylan’s POV

As I look at the most beautiful girl I ever seen, I can feel my heart beats fast that it can jump out from my chest. I never thought I can still find her, my own soul mate. It felt like a million years just to see her, to hold her and be with her forever. Fate must love me. They gave me her. Damn lucky me. After all the worst thing I made in my life, I still have her, my very own angel.

Why am I saying all of these? Today’s our wedding. I smirked proudly to myself while waiting for my Angel to be right here beside me. My eyes seem to be fixated at her while she is walking at aisle with her choice wedding gown. I never thought this day will come after she received that letter. It’s been a year after I proposed to her. Lucky I am, she said yes. I still can remember it very clearly.


“Julliard’s! She was accepted to Julliard’s! Isn’t that amazing?” I can hear my sister said happily. I look over my mate having the same expression as Mila. I don’t want to ruin it. I promised her that I will do anything to make her happy. I hate the idea. She will need to leave. She will leave me. I can hear my wolf whined in agony. We don’t want her to leave us. She is our life. But it’s her dream. I don’t want to be selfish. Her happiness is my very first priority.


“Oh… uhm…” I cleared my throat before continuing. “Congrats then, Angel.” I said in a low tone, covering the sadness in my voice. I saw her looking at me. I can’t seem to hide the sadness I’m feeling so I decided to move away from them. “I… I need to do something. I’ll see you then.” I kiss her temple and left without looking back. I heard her whisper my name but I didn’t dare to turn. I can also feel her sadness. Since I marked her, she can strongly feel my emotions too.


As I reached my office, I quickly slumped myself in the couch and put a palm on my face. Can I be truly happy for once? I asked myself. I just can let her go. I love her too much. I can’t bear not seeing her from time to time. I’ll die. I stay in there for how many hours. I blocked all of them from my link as I want a peace of mind. There were also knocking on the door but I shoved them away using my Alpha tone. Right now, I just want to be with myself and think. I thank the Goddess that my Angel didn’t go here. I cannot be able to push her away if she knocks on the door. She is just too precious to me and making her upset is a no-no. I closed my eyes for a while and leaned my body on the couch.


I was unconsciously awake by the continuously knocking on the door. I look at the clock and it says that it’s already evening. I didn’t know how long I slept. All I remember was thinking about my Angel.


“Dylan? Alpha Dylan?” The knocking on the door irritates my ears.


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