5: When He Kiss Me

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Hi! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Pictures of the lead characters at the right side.

Dedicated to Nikki :-)


No Proofreading


Chapter 5

Yumi’s POV

We are currently walking in to my assigned classroom with this Dylan guy. I notice that he keeps on glaring at the guys who are looking at us, or more likely, on me. Then out of nothing, he grabbed my right hand. We look like a couple now having holding hands. Tss. I just shoo the thought. Couple, really? Remember, he is the owner of this school. Maybe, he wants to welcome me by accompanying me to my classroom? I frown. Why am I feeling disappointed with the reason I thought. Once again, I shoo the thought from my head. So, what I did is trying to let go but he is only tightening his hold. I got tired afterwards so I let it passed.  Actually, what he is doing right now confuses me and finds it weird. I don’t know what’s going on butone thing keeps in my mind, what he is up to?

Everyone is staring. Well I guess it can’t be avoided now. I noticed the students in the hallway stops on whatever they’re doing when they saw us. Well, maybe because I’m new? Or is it because of this handsome guy beside me? Yes. He is handsome I admit. I remembered when I looked at him intently in the office; I saw an image… an image of a black wolf with blue stormy eyes like his. I gasped at what I saw. I wonder why I saw a wolf while looking at him. It’s really getting weird now. Maybe I’m just nervous and let my imaginations run in my head again. I also remembered something. Did I hear him growling? I mean, seriously? He sounds like… animal? I was snap from my thoughts when I heard his voice.

“Hey… Angel, here is your classroom.” We stop at a certain room. I look at it and about to thank him when I remembered how he calls me. Angel? Who is she? There are just two of us here, right? I looked at my right and left side and frown. Maybe he forgot my name.

“My name is Yumi in case you forgot—” the wolf guy cuts me. Yeah it suites him since I saw a wolf image in him.

“I want to call you that.” I wrinkled my forehead. As if reading my confusion he chuckle and said, “You look like an angel that’s why I want to call you that. Is it okay?” he asked. I can feel my cheeks heat up.

“O-okay… Whatever you say. Tsk.” I murmured and walked to open the door when he pulled my wrist.

“I’ll see you at lunchbreak.” It’s not a question but a statement. With that, he kissed my cheeks and gently pushed me inside. I was so shocked and blushed more at what he did. I just saw him smirking at me.  That guy! I can guess everyone in the room saw that by the way they look at me and silence filled the room. I just shrug and walk straight at the back. There, I saw a familiar blonde hair girl. It’s Mila, Dylan’s sister. I wonder why she didn’t walk with us if we’re in the same class.

 “Uhm… hi,” I smiled to her shyly. Can I-uhm…sit beside you?”

“Of course, you can!” She is smiling from ear to ear. I wonder if she is always like that. I just smiled back at her.

She is about to say something when the bell rang. A black haired guy with a straight face came in the room and the students settle in. He greeted us a ‘good morning’ and introduced himself as our first period teacher. Then, he looks like searching for someone when he said, “I believe we have a new student for this school year. May I ask for Ms. Gyo? Please go infront and tell us something about yourself.” He smiled while his eyes fixed with mine.

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