27: Doubts

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Short update <3

Dedicated to you and thank you for adding this to your list. :-)


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Chapter 27

Yumi’s POV

I woke up from the bed with uneasy feeling. Actually, I didn’t have a good sleep and had nightmares instead. I dreamed of Dylan leaving me alone with his soul mate beside him. They look so happy and I was left crying. I lowered my head as force myself not to cry. It was only a dream, I told myself. I hold back the tears that are forming in my eyes.

I slowly get off the bed and walk in the bathroom to fix myself. I groaned when I see myself in the mirror. My hair is mess and wild. While my eyes are red and puffy that obviously cried. I look so ugly right now. I honestly didn’t consider my looks. For me, I just look ordinary. Nothing is so special about me. No doubt that Dylan would get tired of looking at me. He will leave me soon.

Feeling down at myself, I didn’t bother to at least brush my hair. Instead, I let it be untangled and look wild. I came back to the bed and sank myself in the blanket.  I feel so tired and empty. Knowing that I don’t have a true family and now, Dylan will be finding his soul mate sooner or later, I wonder where I will go now. I will be totally out of place here. I closed my eyes and let myself drawn in the darkness once more.

“Yumi? Hey wake up now.” A lazy moan escaped my mouth as soon as I heard a desperate voice trying to wake me up. After several minutes with consistent ranting of waking me up, I finally gave in and slowly get up on bed. I rub my eyes to see Mila standing at the edge of the bed looking at me with a frown. I look behind her to see Ysa, Travis and Alden wearing a nervous faces.

“You are sleeping like ages! What do you have in mind? I am trying to wake you up but you seem so attached in this bed. You got all of us worry.” She said in my face and I was confused on what she said. Worry them? She seems to notice my questioning looks and answer what is on my mind. “Did you know what the time it is, Yumi?” I just stare at her like an idiot. I don’t know what to answer her. “Of course, you don’t know! It is eight in the evening. Dylan is trying to wake you up for hours! And he is already panicking because you were not responding. We even call the pack doctor to check you but still, you were not waking up. What’s wrong with you?!”

“I- ” What should I tell her? “I-I’m sorry.” I look down at my lap trying to avoid their heated gazes on me. I saw through the corner of my eyes, Mila walking towards me and kneel.

“Yumi, I’m sorry too. We are just worry. You look like dead a while ago and Dylan… Dylan is having an almost heart attacked because of you.

“Where is he?” I ask and they are just looking at each other nervously.

“In his office.” Travis answers my question and I nodded. I stand up and about to open the door when someone grabs my arms.

“Don’t Yumi. He is in a bad mood.” Ysa said in a concerned tone.

“Let her Ysa. She is the one that Dylan needs to see right now.” Travis said glaring to my cousin. Sometimes, I don’t know why they act like this, like they are talking with their minds. Ysa let go of my arms and then Travis nods on me implying that I should go now.

“Yumi…” I heard Mila calling my name. I turn to face her and she gave me a smile. “You can tell him everything Yumi. If can tell him if something is bothering you. Trust him.” I don’t know why she tells me this as if she can read my mind. I gave her a smile also and headed my way on Dylan.

I open the door in front of me and I gasp as I saw the place. It is a mess. This is far from what I’m thinking. Then I saw him on the couch lying with his arms on the head. He looks so stress.

“Dylan.” I said in a whisper. I thought he might not hear knowing that he is sleeping. Then all of a sudden I sense him slowly opening his eyes and getting off the couch. His eyes turn on me with wide eyes. In just a blink, I was scoop in his huge arms and hard chest. For a moment, I feel so comfortable. “You’re office looks like a mess.” That’s all I say to him.

“You made me worry, Angel.”

“I’m sorry.” There is moment of silence between us.

“What is wrong, Angel? I know there is something you are not telling me. Please I want to know.” I pleaded on me.

“Actually…” I paused as I stare in his eyes. “You have a soul mate.” I blurted out on him.

“Then?” He looks so confused.

“You will leave me! When you find her, I will be left alone.” I said in a teary tone. He just stares at me and chuckle.

“What the hell, Angel. You are thinking hard always and keeping things just to yourself.” He caresses my face with his thumb. I just remained to be quiet. “I love you.” I stare at him with questioning eyes. “I know when I first met you; I fall in love with you. Maybe, I fall in love with you before I even met you.” He whispered the last part. “You don’t have to doubt on me. You don’t have to worry that I will leave you. Do you want to know why?” He ask in a soft tone.


“Because you are my soul mate.” I stare at him with wide eyes. “Yes, you are my soul mate. I love you.” He kisses my forehead and I hug him while crying. I was an idiot thinking that I am just nothing to him. I was so relieved that I am his soul mate. I’m so happy. “Sshh, Angel. Do not cry. I hate to see you sad.”

“I am just happy.”

“You know that I will always do anything for you.”

“I love you Dylan.”

“I always love you, Yumi. My Angel.” I love hearing him saying my name. It’s rare of him saying it.

“I’m sorry for making you worry.”

“Just don’t do that again. We all thought that you commit suicide or something. I was having a heart attacked that time”

“I heard that from Mila. Again, I’m sorry.”

“Kiss me.” He blurted out, more of a demand than asking.

“Huh?” That is all I said then I felt his lips on mine.

“Mine.” He said between our kiss. I just put my arms around his neck as I respond to all his heated kisses.


I'm really sorry for not updating on time. But I hope you still reading this story. I would say that this story are gone half way. I want to thank you for always voting and commenting on this.

>>>>>Elle <3


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