37: Protecting the Angel

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Yumi's dress at the right.  >>>>

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Chapter 37

Yumi’s POV

Happy Birthday, Luna.


After that scene in my room, Dylan and I decided to go downstairs for breakfast. Little did we know, the pack members were already informed about my birthday today. It made me really smile. I should be genuinely happy but as I thought about my parents, I can’t help but be worried. Dylan must sense my distress when he pulled me towards his chest.

Angel, everything will be fine.” I just breathe in his chest but not speaking anything. I nod my head and wrapped my arms around his waist. I did the same and kiss my forehead.

“Hey! What’s up Yumi?” A familiar voice behind gain our attention.  

“A way to ruin the moment.” I heard Dylan mumbled as his chest vibrated a little.

“I heard that, man.” Travis pouted his lips like a five year old kid. That made me smile a bit. “Yumi, happy birthday.” He is about to hug me when Dylan protectively wrap his arms tighter.

“Don’t.” He growled at him.

“Possessive bastard.” Travis commented playfully. “So, what’s the plan?” Dylan shrugs and turns to look at me.

“What do you want to do, Angel?”

“I… I really don’t know. I’m sorry.” I sighed. “It’s just, you know about my parents. I don’t think it’s okay to celebrate.”

“I understand Angel. I will do anything you want.” He kissed my cheeks. “We will find them.”

“Do you have any news about them?” He looks at Travis and they seemed to be in a deep conversation in their minds. “Nothing yet. But I assure you that we will do anything to find them. Just trust me. Okay, Angel.”

“I will.” I gave him a small smile.

“Don’t be sad Yumi. Once Dylan gave his words, he will always do it.” Travis said to me.

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