38.2: The Last Fight

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Chapter 38.2

Yumi’s POV

“…And they live happily ever after.” I said as I read the last line of the story book. Cinderella. I guess it’s her favorites since she always ask me to read it for her.  I glance over her to see her peaceful face sleeping. The children in the room that I didn’t notice a while ago were also listening to the story. When I look at them, they gave me an approving smile saying that they love the story. I just knew it. Children loves story.  After that, they all settle back to their mother and sister while I put Madeline on the couch to give her more comfortable sleep.

“Luna.” One lady called for my attention. These days, all of them call me in that name and I’m kinda getting used to it.

“Yes?” I politely answered her. “What can I do for you, Miss…?”

“Oh, it’s Joana. I’m the mother of that kid.” I look at who she pointed at. I smile knowing that kid’s name.

“Dwayne.” I said with a smile.

“Y-you knew my son?” She asks surprisingly.

“Ah, yes. He is one of Madeline’s playmates and he’s kinda a nice kid.” I look at the woman in front of me and notice that the kid got his eyes and lips from her Mom. Actually, this woman is beautiful with her red hair, no wonder Dwayne is handsome.

“I’m glad that you know him, Luna. He is a very energetic kid. He is actually bestfriend with Madeline before.”

“Dylan said, she stop talking when her parents died.” I said with a frown.

“That is very true. She has a very good voice. You know, she used to sing and dance. Just like my son, she is energetic and a happy kid.” She said with a sigh while looking at Madeline. “She is the only daughter and we guessed that it is very tough on her side to be alone.”

“I see…” I look also to Madeline and gently tucked her hair behind her ears.

“But ever since you came and met her, she is starting to be that kid before. It’s like she is having a reason to live again.” She said and looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Luna. You are really an angel.”

“Oh… I didn’t do anything.” I whisper.

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