7: A Date to Remember

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Hi readers,

I just want to clarify that Dylan is the owner of the school that his sister Mila, Yumi and the rest are attending. But he is not a student, teacher nor principal in there. He is just paying Yumi a visit in the school to make sure that she is not harm by other male.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. And please vote and comment. :-)


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Chapter 7

Yumi’s POV

I am now officially a member of this so-called ‘Performing Arts Club’. And it’s been a week since I joined this school club. Sky, as the president, is having her endless speech as we are all gathered here at the theatre room. I notice that we are only thirty in this club. Well, as few as compared to the other school club. She said the reason is that they are only accepting students with ‘real’ talent. I just shrug with what she said. I look at Sky; she is still on her speech. God! When will she finish? I really want to go home. Actually, I didn’t bother to listen in anything she’s saying. My mind is wandering somewhere, if you know why.

“Okay that’s all for today. You can go home now.” I hear Sky as she saying those words and smiling hugely.

With that, I make my way out of the theatre room. While walking at the hallway, I saw Dylan leaning at the wall. But something caught my eyes. I notice the uneasiness in his eyes and he looks so nervous. I wonder why.

I am sneaking a glance on him while he is focus on driving. I don’t know what’s on his mind right now; but it’s obvious that he wants to say something. My train of thought stopped when I notice that we are now infront of my Aunt’s house. I look at him to bid my goodbye when he suddenly speaks.

“Yumi…” My heart skips a beat when he called me on my real name. It’s the first time that he actually said it. It sends me a shiver and my lips curved into a slight smile. But then, I felt my cheeks heat up. He looked me intensely in the eyes while he chuckled nervously. Now, I’m very curious on what will he say next. “W-willsdfbhdbgjhjdouwthfdjhme?” He mumbled breathlessly which left me to hear only rambling words.

“Huh?” The only thing I am capable as a response on whatever he said. He whispered a curse while scratching the back of his head. Then, he cleared his throat and holds my right hand.

“W-will you go out with me on… a date?” Now, I can see clearly the nervousness all over his face. But what caught me also is the hopeful looks in his eyes. Ever since I met him, I never saw this kind of look from him. He seems to be always confident on anything. I giggle at the thought while shaking my head mentally. So asking me out on a date makes this guy so nervous? I was amused. But wait, he said a date? I stop giggling and flush him a worried look. Will it be okay if I date him? Why a guy like him would want to date me. I mean, wouldn’t he mind that I’m younger than him?

He probably saw the worried look on my face so he squeezes my hand. “Why? Is there something wrong? If you d-don’t like, I can understand.” He said quietly but I saw a sadness and disappointment in his eyes. I don’t know but I felt pain in my heart by that. I look at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

“There’s nothing wrong. I’m just thinking of s-something.” I saw a concern look at his face. “And also, about the date… It’s fine with me.” There I said it. It wouldn’t hurt to try dating him… maybe. His eyes brightened and he hugs me so tightly. Well, he seems very happy about me dating him. I chuckle.

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