29: Who am I really?

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Here is the new update and please see below translation of the previous chapter...

Σ 'αγαπώ, κόρη μου - - I love you, my daughter

Παρακαλώ περιμένετε για μένα - - Please wait for me

Μου λείπεις - - I miss you

 For the second time, I dedicate this chapter to you because I always love your comments. I hope you will stay until the end of this story. Thank you so much... :-)


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Chapter 29

Yumi's POV

“Who the hell was in there?!” Dylan shouted angrily and frantically scanned his eyes all over the room. I was beyond shocked when all of a sudden he burst out of the door. I saw behind him some unfamiliar guys which look like sniffing all over the room.

“What are they doing?” I blurted out of the blue. Before answering me, he buried his head on my neck.

“They are just checking who was the person went here.” He said still refusing to let go of me. I eyebrows furrow as I look between them.

“Are they… sniffing?” He chuckle and kiss my neck before facing me.

“Yes, Angel. I know I promised on explaining about werewolves.” I look at his eyes as his features soften. “Well then, let’s go to our room.” With that, he didn’t let me walk by myself and instead, he carried me like a fragile angel. I smile with how he really cares for me.

We are now here in our so-called room. I am sitting at the edge of the bed while he is standing in the window with his back facing me. I am waiting for him to begin talking. I hear him sigh and put his both hands in his jeans pockets. I notice that it is his usual gesture or habit.

“Angel.” He paused for a moment. “Are you scared when you find out that I’m a… werewolf?” There is seriousness in his tone.

“Uhm… Actually, I don’t know… I have read lot of stories about werewolves. But never in my entire life to think that it can be real.” I begin to walk towards him. “Dylan, can you look at me?” He turns around and now faces me. I have to know something. Then, our eyes met and instantly, I figured out something. And that made sense to me. A smile curves on my lips.

“Angel?” His forehead wrinkles a little by confusion. “Why are you smiling?”





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