31: Mark of the Alpha

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Hello readers,

As I promised, this is the new update. I hope you enjoy reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. :-)

-Elle <3

 Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to you. Thank you for voting. :-)


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Chapter 31

Yumi’s POV

I can feel the cold wind as soon as I open my eyes. As I look around the room, I saw the window slightly open that made the wind enters the room. I love this feeling as I told before. The feel of the wind in my skin gives me a comfort whenever my mood is. I tap my hand on my side and realize that Dylan had left, feeling the coldness of it. We are sleeping together since I found out my true identity. He never let me go out of his sight and become more protective of me. But it’s not that we’re doing anything besides sleeping. With that thought, my cheeks heats up.

I got out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom to fix myself. Dylan is usually waking up early as he attending important matters. After fixing myself, I went downstairs and saw Dylan’s back. He looks so serious in what he is doing. Obviously, he is cooking for a breakfast. I smile with the knowledge that he is doing that for me. His shoulder suddenly tensed and his head turns on me.

“Angel…” He whispers as he stalks towards me. He leans and kisses me on my lips. “Good morning Angel. How’s your sleep?”

“It’s good. What are you cooking?” I said as I place my both hands in his arms. Whenever I touch him or our skin had contact, I can feel the sparks and tingles rushing through my veins. I like this.

“I cook some eggs and bacons for us. I also made pancakes in case you didn’t like those.” He said while looking at me lovingly. “Come.” He grabs my hand and sits on one of the stools while he pulls me on his lap.

“Angel, can I feed you?” He asks as I look into his eyes with hope. I wonder why.

“Why? What am I? A kid?” I chuckle while looking away from him. Then, his face becomes serious.

“It’s just that… Uhm, well… in my world, you see…” He sighs but continues speaking. “For us, feeding our mate is some kind of tradition. It is like a sign that we can provide and give everything to them.” He said while stroking his hand into my hair. I smile and nod my head.

“Okay then, feed me.” He gives me the widest possible grin and starts to feed me. After a few minutes, he finished feeding me and still his face is covered with satisfaction and pride. “Did you like it?”

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