11: New Student

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Hi readers!

Here is the new chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it.

Dedicated to HallieAlissa. Thank you for adding my story in your reading list :-)

Picture of the New Student at the right side ---- >


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Chapter 11

Yumi’s POV

“Another mystery letter?” Mila asked behind me. I nod on her. It’s been a week since I started receiving letters from unknown person. Who could it be? The content of the letters were all the same. It says, ‘I miss you so much’ and ‘I’ll see you soon’.

When Dylan accidentally found out about this, he gone mad and almost broke the whole locker area. I was so shocked. I never thought seeing him like that. Actually, I didn’t want to tell him about this. So Mila, Ysa and I keep it as secret. But two days ago, it was accidentally falls from my book and he caught it. Just like me, curiosity kicks in him, unfolding and reading the paper. In just seconds, the paper torn apart and the lockers shook as he throws punches on it. His eyes darken as it turns black. He is really strong huh, note the sarcasm. I was really scared shitless of him, well not just me but everyone as you see their pale faces. It took me a minute to decide whether I come near him. As I walked towards him, I wrapped my arms around his waist. Then, I felt him hugging me back and tightening his grip on me. We stayed like that for half an hour, trying to calm him down.

I sighed. I don’t want to see him again like that. I crumple the paper and throw it straight at the garbage can. I look back to Mila and she is smiling at me, agreeing with my actions. Then, we walk together to our classroom and went to our respective seats.

“Did you hear about the new student?” I heard my girl classmate asked to her seatmate who is giggling. A new student?

“I saw him a while ago and he’s hot!” They are both giggling now. So, it’s a guy… I thought.

“Well, I make sure that guy will fall for me.” Candice said. She is the school’s queen bee as they said. I just shook my head. She is really like that. Seducing a guy is her expertise, I guess.


The room filled with silence as our teacher steps in. He greeted us a ‘good morning’ before telling the announcement. “Class, again I want to introduce to you the new student that will be joining us this school year.” He turned his head to the door and nods. Suddenly, a guy with an angelic face came in. He looks around the classroom and his eyes stop to stare… at me? Is he really looking at me? We stare at each other for a minute. His eyes… Why is it so familiar?

Our teacher clears his throat and that gain our attention back. I didn’t notice that all of our classmates are looking at us. Candice is glaring at me. Mila gave me a questioning and confusing look. I blush and look down. “Please introduce yourself Mr. Kim.” I heard our teacher said to him.

“I’m Dustin Kim, 18 years old.” He said calmly and the girls can’t help but admire him. I can’t blame them, the way he talk is very soothing in the ears. I smile still looking at my shoes, as if it is the most fascinating thing in the world. When I look up, I am surprise to see him staring intently at me. Why? Those eyes… it looks sad.

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