23.1: Secrets

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Sorry for late upload again and again. But I hope you still enjoying reading my story. :-)



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Chapter 23

Dylan’s POV


That’s the only word I can say as I keep on tapping my touchscreen cellphone to call her. And she hasn’t answering any of those and now I can’t contact it! It made me worried so much. She usually sends me a text or sometimes calls me back in this kind of situation. Sighing deeply, I grab my hair harshly in frustration.

“Alpha?” I heard a voice behind me calling me but I could care less about it. I didn’t want to be disturbed. “Dylan?”

“What?!” I snap at whoever this person is.

“Calm down, Dylan.” Travis said. “You keep pacing back and forth in this room. Tell me, what’s wrong?” He asks me with curiosity. He walks towards me and tap my shoulder. “Maybe I can help…”

“It’s… my mate.” I groan in frustration. “She is not answering my calls.” I said as my jaw is clenching in anger and fear. Fear that something might happen on her while I’m not beside her. My wolf can’t help but to howl inside my head by mentioning it. My mate being in danger is the last thing I need.

“Then, why don’t we go to her house?” He suggested. I paused for a while thinking about it.

“Let’s go.” That’s all I say to him and he smirks.

After few minutes, we arrive at her house. I knock once on the door and it is open by Jack. Immediately, he lowers his head and greets me. He eagerly let us comes in the house. When he closes the door behind us, I thought of asking him about my mate when I heard his wife’s worried voice.

“Who’s that? Is that Yumi?” Then, she steps in front of us. As she saw that it was not her, disappointment drawn on her face. I immediately frown at it. Is my Angel not yet home?

“Where is my mate?” I tried to calm down myself but still my face is stern and stiff.

“Alpha…” Jack speaks. “She is not yet home. We were trying to call her but cannot contact her cellphone right now.” I close my eyes as the rage fills my body. When I open my eyes, I saw the three of them cowered a little by the look on my face. But like I said, I could care less about it. I need my mate.

“Then, where the hell is my mate?” I can’t take my anger anymore as I gritted my teeth while asking them. I can see the fear in their eyes now.

“Alpha, we are trying our best to find her.” Eula quietly said. So, please calm down a bit. Maybe, she is now on her way home or probably she-” I cut her off quickly.

“I don’t care!” I shouted already at their faces. “You all want me to calm down when my mate is missing?!” I ask sarcastically.

“Dylan, don’t be so rude. She will be fine.” Travis said trying his best to calm my nerves. “Maybe, we should start looking for her now. Right, Dylan? We should not waste our time here.” Though he made my wolf mad by his rude words on me as his Alpha, I know he is damn right. I nod at him and leave the house quickly. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Eula and jack whispering to each other. I know they are upset and worried just like me. But they can’t understand what I’m feeling right now. My feelings for her… my love for her is too strong that cannot compare to anyone.

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