36.1: Her World

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_Elle Angels


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Chapter 36

Yumi’s POV

“Eomma, Appa…”

I remember the time when I was standing right in front of their graves with my eyes prickled tears. I was thirteen then when they left me. I’m the only survivor. They said I was lucky that I’m alive. But, am I feeling that way? No. Since then, I taught myself to live by myself, with no one to depend on. Though my mother’s sisters always pay me a visit, it will not change the fact that I lost them. I even tried to work on a part time basis. Not because I don’t have a means but rather, to distract myself from loneliness; loneliness of being alone. Too young, but I had to be strong. I keep myself asking why… why my parents? We were happy. Why can’t it last?

I envy my classmates whenever we have school occasions. They have parents by their side. While me? I have no one. I just stare at how happy they all were. I smile and look away everytime. I wish I still have parents. That’s what I always wishing. Then a reality struck me. I am adopted. How sad. How disappointing. How painful. It’s not because I feel like I wasted my time with a strangers and how many tears I cried when they’re gone. It’s because I loved them and I really wanted to believe that they are still my parents. Our memories together are still playing at the back of my mind.


That’s what I felt also the moment I heard the truth. Maybe somewhere out there, my real parents is there. Maybe they were looking also for me. But still, my mind keeps asking why? Why did they leave me? Why did they let me grow up with another family? Did they love me?

I should be angry with them. But my heart chooses to believe that they have reasons. Reasons. What could it be? I wonder. Then, I met two strangers, a beautiful woman with sad eyes who always in the pack house’s old music room and a man who longs for his heart’s beloved. Now, I have to believe that everything happens for a reason, because I met these two strangers who turn out to be my real parents.

I slowly open my eyes as my thoughts ended. I look around me as I remain sitting here in the terrace. I love it here. I always love to stay in places where I could feel the wind blowing.

“Ayah…” I turn around so I can face the one who called my name. It’s my mother.

“Mother.” She smiles and walk towards me. When she reached me, she touches my cheeks.

“I just want to talk with you.” She sighed. “I know it surprised you about us. But I can explain everything. All you ever have to do is to ask.” A small smile drawn plays on my lips.

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