Part Three: The Secret

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Jealous. I was jealous. Since when does Farkle Minkus get jealous? I'm rich, I'm smart, I have a girlfriend, I have amazing friends. I have everything anyone could ever want.

Except, I didn't.

There was one thing I thought I had, but I didn't. At least, not the way I wanted to have it. Yes, I have a girlfriend but I'm not in love, not with her at least. Who would've thought the girl I would fall in love with has been with me for the past seven years?


Her name runs through my head and I start to feel warm inside. Smackle never made me feel like this.

No. This can't be happening. I can't fall in love with Riley. She loves Lucas and he loves her.

Despite what I've been telling Riley, I decide to keep this to myself. If no one has been able to tell by now then they never will. Everything will stay normal. Riley and Maya will work things out with Lucas and I will stay on the sidelines.


The bell rings and class is over.

I zoned out for an entire class period?

"Farkle." I look up to see Mr. Matthews looking at me funny.

"Yes, sir?" I walk towards his desk.

"Are you feeling alright? You seemed pretty out of it all class period."

I nod. "I'm fine, sir."

"You're sure?" I nod again. He looks at me for a second, just to be sure I'm telling the truth. "Alright. But I hope you know that if you ever need anything, Farkle, you can always come to me."

"Thank you, Mr. Matthews." I give him a convincing smile and walk out of the room. Out in the hallway, I see Riley and she spots me. Her eyes light up. "Farkle!"

"Hey Riles. What's up?"

"Farkle. I need to talk to you about what happened with Lucas."

My heart sinks a bit but I don't dwell on it. "Ok. Do you want to come over to my house?"

"Sure! Just let me tell my dad." She walks into the classroom and then exits a few seconds later. "Alright. Are you ready to go?" I nod and we leave the school and make our way to my house.



I enter Farkle's ginormous room and it still amazes me how big it is. I love to look up at the planetarium and stare at the stars. It reminds me of Texas when we were sitting at the campfire just hanging out, looking at the stars. That's also where this whole mess started. That's when I first lied for Maya so that her and Lucas could date. I thought I knew what I was doing but now everything is just a big mess. It's moments like these where I'm glad I have someone like Farkle. Speaking of Farkle. He's been acting strange all day. He was completely out of it during history and even now he seems distracted.

I decide to put my Lucas story on hold and ask him: "Farkle, are you ok?"

His jerks his head up.


"Are you ok? You seem really distracted lately."

He looks as if he's making a decision in his head, sighs and then stares really hard at me.

"What do you think of Smackle and I?" I stare at him dumbfounded. He continues. "Do we really make a good couple? I mean before we were always saying that like forces repel so maybe we aren't the best match."

I cut him off. "But I thought you liked Smackle?"

"I do. She's amazing. But what if we aren't made to be a couple? What if we're better at being each others nemesis'? I mean if I'm going to rule the world someday, I don't think having someone like Smackle by my side would be the best idea."

I think through what Farkle just said. "Farkle, do you like someone else?"

"What? Uh, no. No, I don't. I just think that maybe I rushed into having a relationship with Smackle. Like everyone thought we should be together so we just did it."

"I know how that feels like. I remember when Lucas and I went out before we were ready because everyone wanted us to. Now look what's become of it."

"Riley, if you and Lucas are supposed to be together then it'll happen. And if not, then that just means you haven't found the right person."

"What do you mean Farkle?"

"I mean, maybe Lucas was right for you before but maybe he isn't now. Maybe there's someone else -"

I cut him off again. "Farkle, you've been giving me all this advice to go after Lucas. You're the one who told everyone I still liked him. But now you're telling me I should stop? Why?"

He hesitates. I watch his eyes and see he's thinking through his brain like a scientist would, trying to find the best solution to go about answering me.

"A lot of things are changing, Riley. We're changing. Our feelings are changing. I'm just saying it's possible your feeling for Lucas might have changed but you haven't had a reason to question those feelings yet." He pauses. "Just know, that no matter what you do, I'm always here for you Riley. I'm always on your team." He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. I pull him into a hug and we stay like that for a while.

I sigh and after a few seconds I pull away. I look into his eyes and smile again. "Now let's do some science."

Sorry if this part was a little long. I got kind of carried away and had a little too much fun writing it. Please comment and vote<3

(april 6, 2016)

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