Part Fifteen: The Café

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I had to find Riley. I just had to.

I didn't see her at all at school today besides the one class we have together. She completely ignored me, as usual, and when the bell rang, she ran, as usual.

I tried to talk to Maya but she was running after Riley, as usual.

I even tried the bay window and she wasn't there. Since when is Riley never in her room when I need to talk to her? She's always there. Almost like a tv show where the person is always conveniently at the place the person looking for them goes to first. Except today she wasn't. Why wasn't she?

Then I remember.

Of course. How could I forget?

We always do homework at Topanga's after school. That's where she'll be. I run straight there, and of course she's there.

She's typing something on her laptop, concentrating very hard. I always admired that about Riley. She works hard at everything she does.

Maya is with her of course. She's also on her laptop, except she has her earphones in and is laughing while pointing at the screen. I assume another cat video.

I stop my creepy, stalkerish stare through the window and finally walk in. I walk right up to Riley. She jerks her head up when she sees me coming, except I don't think she thought it was going to be me because she immediately loses her smile. I just look at her, keeping eye contact.

"Uh, hi... Farkle. What are you doing here?"

"I-I came to talk to you actually." I glance at Maya and she just looks at me like we never had that conversation the other day. Looks like I'm on my own. I start getting fidgety and quickly try to compose myself. I can do this. It's just Riley.

Oh, what am I talking about? It's just Riley?! REALLY?! I can't believe I thought this would be easy.


"What?" Her voice draws me out of my thoughts.

She sighs in annoyance before standing and saying, "Look Farkle. Unless you have something really important to say, I suggest you leave."

"I...." I was so tongue-tied. I didn't know what to say. I suddenly forgot everything Maya and I talked about. I couldn't believe it. I've never been this nervous before, especially talking to a girl.

Especially talking to Riley.

Exactly. I've always been able to tell Riley everything. Without hesitation or nervousness. Why? Because I knew she'd always be there. Because I knew she'd listen and talk it out with me.

"Just leave, Farkle." She turns to sit down again but doesn't get a chance to finish her action because I blurt out:

"I love you."

She stops and turns back to face me. I think we both have equally shocked faces at the moment. I can't believe I just said that.

"What did you just say?" She walks right up to me. If we were any closer we'd be kissing.

"I said..." I look into her eyes and I see the same look from that time under the weeping willow. She's searching for something. "I said, I love you."

This time I think she found what she was looking for because she smiles. One of her big, goofy, beautiful smiles. I smile back.



"I love you, too."
I couldn't sleep.

Every time I closed my eyes I just thought about what happened in Topanga's and then I get all excited and mushy feeling again.

I needed to calm down. At least enough to sleep. I kept tossing turning, but nothing was working.

As I try to close my eyes again to see if I could get even an hour or two of sleep, I hear a tap on my window. I immediate tense up. Who the heck is tapping on my window at two in the morning?! I turn over and squint my eyes to see who is outside my window.


I immediately get out of bed and rush over to the bay window and open the window to let Farkle inside. He climbs in and sits next to me and just smiles. That goofy, adorable smile that I love.

"Farkle, it's two a.m. What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep." He confesses.

"Neither could I."

"I don't know why, but I just thought, maybe coming to see you would help."

"Well I'm glad you came. I can't stop thinking about today. I'm gonna be a zombie tomorrow." I do my best zombie impression, which includes holding my arms out in front of me and making creepy noises.

Farkle lets out a small laugh. "I can't stop thinking about it either. To be honest, that wasn't planned at all. But I'm glad it happened."

"Me too." There's a small pause. "Farkle, I need to apologize."

"What could you possibly have to apologize for?"

"For the whole Smackle thing. I totally accused you of doing something that you didn't do and even after I figured that out, I still acted like a jerk." I move closer to him and grab his hand. "I'm so sorry. And next time, I'll believe you when you tell me it means nothing."

"You sure? I mean, I don't want you getting all jealous when I kiss Queen Elizabeth's hand."

"When are you ever going to meet Queen Elizabeth?"

"When I become the smartest man on the earth and one day rule the world."

"Ah yes, how could I forget. I promise I won't get jealous of Queen Elizabeth."

"Well then I most certainly accept your apology. And now it's your turn."

"My turn to what?"

"Accept an apology."

"Farkle, you definitely have nothing to be sorry for."

"Yes I do. I didn't even try to convince you that Smackle kissing me meant nothing. I just let you vent and then I stood there like an idiot. I didn't tell you that you were wrong. And I'm so sorry."

"Farkle, of course I forgive you." I lean into him and he holds me. We just stay like that for a while.

I'm so happy right now. I just want to stay in this moment forever.



"Maybe if you stayed the night, it'd help me sleep better." I look up at him.

He smiles back down at me and says, "You know, I think that'd help me sleep, too. That's a great idea."

I stand up and grab his hand and lead him over to my bed. I climb in and get under the covers. He takes off his shoes and coat and follows me under the sheets.

He pulls me close to him and I lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me and softly plays with my hair. I listen to his heart beating, steady.

A kiss on the top of my head is the last thing I remember before I fall asleep.


Yeah, I don't know how I feel about this chapter but whatever.

I promise more intense Riarkle is coming soon. Can't do everything on the first night, that ruins the fun;)

Please vote and comment<3

Also, if you guys haven't read my other Riarkle fanfic, Strange Attractions, I would love if you would check it out. It would mean a lot!

Love you guys! Goodnight☺️

*You can tell it's like 4am because I totally (originally) typed Queen Victoria instead of Queen Elizabeth. Wow I am tired...*

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