Part Twenty: The New Guy

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Evan's behavior towards me hasn't changed since his first day here. He's constantly teasing me, and it seems to have escalated in the past week and a half.

I'm standing at my locker, getting my book for my next class, when someone leans up against the locker next to me.

My immediate reaction is to always smile, because Farkle used to always lean up next to me. When I look up, it's none other than Evan, with his stupid smirk.

I turn back to my locker, but not before I see his eyes go up and down my body. I internally cringe.

"Hey, Matthews."

I ignore him, which he takes as an invitation to continue.

"You know, I always used to say how disappointed I was that we weren't brother and sister, but now I'm glad."

"Why?" I say without looking at him.

"Because you're hot. And you can't get with your sister."

I turn and look at him with a look of disgust. I slam my locker before walking away towards my next class.

Before I turn the corner, I hear him yell down the hall, "Bye sis!"

The disgusted look hasn't left my face as I walk into class and sit down next to Maya.

She gives me a look asking, "What happened?"

"Bay window." I say, rolling my eyes.

Luckily the rest of the day went by without another Evan incident. That is until I was walking down the hall to meet Maya so that we could walk to my house, when I see Evan sitting in the principals office.

Normally, I wouldn't have cared, but Evan looked angry so I decided to see what was up.

I walk into the principals office and Evan looks up to see me. His eyes immediately light up and he smiles. I decide to ignore the look on his face and sit down next to him.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Matthews was sent to the principals office?"

"I'm never sent to the principals office." I say.

"Then what brings you here, after school hours?"

"You didn't look like you were ok. Are you ok?" I ask.

His face hardens for a quick second, almost barely noticeable. He quickly tries to fake a cocky smile. "I'm always ok."

"Look, you may have only been here for a couple weeks, and you may be the last person I want to see every day, but I could still tell that you weren't ok."

His smile leaves, and he looks at the ground.

"You need to find someone to open up to. I know it helps me a lot." I say.

His hands tighten into fists and he looks back up at me, with anger in his eyes. "I told you I'm fine. I don't need to talk to anyone about anything. So just stop pretending like you know my life."

"You know what? Fine." I stand up and turn to face him. "I tried to be nice and help you, even when I can't stand you. Don't expect that to come again." And with that I walk out of the principals office without looking back at him.

I walk out of the school and find Maya sitting in the steps waiting for me.

"You ready?" I ask, standing next to her.

She looks up at me and stands up. "What happened to you? I've been waiting here for like ten minutes."

"It will all be explained in the bay window." I say.

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