Part Nine: The Diagnosis

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We're in the hospital for the rest of the day, waiting to hear Lucas' diagnosis. Riley is pacing across the lobby with a constantly worried look on her face. Maya sits in the corner, her expression blank. Zay sits across from her on his phone trying to keep himself busy. He's trying to look calm but he keeps bobbing his leg up and down so I can tell he's nervous. Pappy Joe is sitting in the chair closest to the door so that he can be the first one to hear about Lucas. The air in the lobby is very tense as we impatiently wait to hear just how badly Lucas is hurt.

I stand against the wall, silently watching Riley. I can tell she's very worried. I try to keep my mind clear. I can't freak out about this. I have to stay calm for Riley.

I saw the paramedics take Lucas out of the ring. His injuries were bad. I made sure Riley didn't see hoping it would be easier for her. I knew that if she saw she'd be a nervous wreck right now. But I saw. I saw the gashes left by the bulls hooves and the bruises from being kicked with such a huge force. I knew he definitely wasn't going to be ok.

Which is why I also knew I had to stay calm and strong because as soon as the nurse comes out with the news, Riley is going to need someone to lean on. I need to be that for her.

I stop watching Riley and look over at Maya. She's looking the ground with the same blank face she had an hour ago. I walk over and sit next to her. She looks over at me. I give her a half smile. She returns it, and then puts her head on my shoulder. I put my hand on her leg and she takes hold of it with her own. Maya may seem strong, but I know she needs comfort sometimes. Especially when someone she cares about is hurt and she can do nothing to help it. We sit like for another half hour and then the moment we've all been waiting for arrives.

The nurse walks through the door and Pappy Joe immediately stands up to meet her. Riley stops pacing and stands waiting. Zay puts his phone in his pocket and stands up next to his chair. Maya lifts her head and we both turn to look in the direction of the nurse.

The nurse whispers quietly to Pappy Joe. She talks slowly, which is never a good sign. Maya knows it too and grips my hand tightly.

The nurse leaves and Pappy Joe turns slowly towards us. He sits down next to Zay and Riley comes to stand next to him. We wait in anticipation to hear the news.

Pappy Joe sighs before starting.

"I'm going to be honest with you guys, it's bad."

Riley gasps.

Pappy Joe looks up at her. "He's going to live, but his injuries are still pretty severe."

Riley comes and sits down next to me. I take her hand and she holds on with a death like grip.

Maya speaks up before Pappy Joe has a chance to speak again. "Wh-what's wrong with him?"

Pappy Joe looks around at all of us before speaking again. "He's got a concussion, two broken ribs, a fractured wrist, and a broken leg. So he'll be on crutches for a while."

I look over at Riley and I see her go pale. I bring her into a hug and she just lets me hold her, burying her head into my shoulder. I look at Maya and she's looking at the ground again. A mixture of worry and anger on her face.

Zay asks, "When can we see him?"

"Well, he's unconscious right now. They want to watch him over the night so we can't see him till tomorrow. I'm gonna stay here overnight but I called Lucas' uncle Buster to come pick you all up."

We start to protest but Pappy Joe lifts his hand.

"I don't want to hear anything about it. You all are going back to my place until tomorrow when they clear him for visitors, you hear?"

We all nod silently. Then we sit for about fifteen minutes until uncle Buster enters the hospital. Pappy Joe let's him know Lucas' condition and asks him to take us home. With a sad nod, uncle Buster agrees to.

"Alright y'all. Let's head out so y'all can get some sleep now."

We follow uncle Buster to his beat-up pick up truck. As I climb in I wonder how this piece of junk is still intact, let alone moving.

During the car ride Riley puts her head on my shoulder and I hold her. Maya stares out the window silently and Zay states straight ahead, none of us saying a word the whole ride to Pappy Joe's house.

When we're finally inside the house uncle Buster tells us he'll be staying in Pappy Joe's room if we need anything and leaves. Maya quickly leaves to go to her and Riley's room. Zay says goodnight to Riley and I before exiting the room. I start to say the same to Riley but she interrupts me.

"Farkle, I know this is kind of an unusual request but these aren't very normal circumstances."

"I'll do anything. What is it?"

"I don't think I'd get one minute of sleep in there by myself. Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?"

I give her a smile. "Of course."

"Thanks." She smiles and then heads into her room to change.

I watch her leave and then I make my way to my room. I change into some sweat pants and a white tshirt. Then I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Riley walks in and immediately gets into bed. She turns and looks at me with a look saying, "What are you waiting for?" I climb in after her, getting under the covers. Riley moves closer to me and lays her head on my chest. I put an arm around her and slowly massage her back. Riley sighs and after about five minutes is asleep.

I look down at her face. She looks so calm and peaceful even after everything that went on today.

And beautiful.

I keep rubbing her back and then whisper, "Riley, you're so beautiful. Even when the world around you is in chaos."

I lean down and kiss the top of her head softly, trying not to wake her up. After a while I look up to the ceiling with a smile on my face until I finally fall asleep.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to update. I'm in the middle of finals right now and they're driving me crazzzzyyyy!!! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Also, what do you guys think of the new cover? Let me know!

And as always please vote and comment:) Love you guys<33

(april 29, 2016)

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