Part Twenty-Nine: The Bay Window

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I walk into Riley's room to find her and Evan in the bay window.

"Hey." I say.

Evan stands up defensively, but Riley grabs his arm to hold him back.

She stands up next to him. "What do you want, Farkle?" She asks.

"I would really like to talk to you." I say.

"You have nothing to say to her." Evan spits out.

"Evan, stop. I don't need you to speak for me." Riley says. She turns back to me. "Ok, talk."

I scratch the back of my head. "I was hoping to talk to you alone." I say, glancing at Evan.

Riley thinks for a second. She grabs Evan's hand to turn him to face her.

She leans her face towards his and it seems like they're going to kiss but she just gives him a peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Evan." She says.

I'm just as shocked as Evan.

"What?! You're kicking me out?! No. No!"

"I'm not kicking you out. I just... want to hear what he has to say."

"Since when?" Evan asks, and I find myself to be asking the same question in my head.

"Since he became my best friend when we were seven."

"Need I remind what your supposed best friend did to you just a few weeks ago?" Evan asks.

Riley's face turns sad. "No. You don't. I'll never need reminding." She says sadly.

Evan cups her face. This whole scene is hard for me to watch.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get so angry. And i'm sorry for bringing that up. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't cause you pain." Evan says.

His words sting me. I remember telling Riley similar words. I remember telling her i'd never hurt her, that i'd take care of her. But I didn't. I let her down.

"I forgive you. But you still need to go." Riley says, taking Evans hands from her face.

Evan takes a step back and then looks at me with glaring eyes. He then slips out the bay window and it's just Riley and I.

I shuffle my feet, unsure of what to do next.

"So, did you have something specific to say? Or are you making it up as you go along?" She says, breaking the silence.

I scratch the back of my head. "A little bit of both, honestly."

"Why don't you come sit down? Let the bay window work its magic." She pats next to her.

I stare at her, shocked. "You're letting me sit in the bay window?"

"I'm tired of being angry, Farkle. I want to move on. We both have to. The only way to do that is to talk it out."

"I don't want to move on." I say, quietly but still loud enough for her to hear.

"Just come sit, okay?"

"Okay." I walk over and sit down next to her in the bay window.

"Farkle, I have been so angry with you, and with just cause, but... I'm done. I'm done being angry. It's not the kind of person I am. I just, don't know if I can forgive you yet." She looks at me.

I stare back at, finally realizing what I feared most: I've lost her.

I hurt her too badly. I broke her heart, shattered it. And who picked up the pieces? Evan. She doesn't need me.

"I'm glad you're not angry anymore. I couldn't stand you being angry with me, even though you had, and still have, every right to be. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I know I can never take it back. I just... I guess I had this stupid fantasy that at some point we could go back to what we were. I still love you, Riley. I always will. I always have. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's true. I have always loved you. And even if you won't always love me, just know that I will always be here. We could have not seen each other for ten years and you could still come crying into my arms and I would be there. I would hold you, I would listen, and I would do anything you asked. Because I love you, Riley Matthews. I will never love someone as much as I love you. You say we need to move on, but I'm telling you this right now: I will never move on. I will never forget you. But I will always love you."

I take her hands in mine. I stare deep into her eyes and she looks right back at me.

"But," I say. "Even as much as I love you, you deserve someone who will always keep you happy. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. Your happiness changes the world, Riley. You need someone who is never going to take that spark away. Someone who is going to keep your soul pure. Someone who isn't going to break your heart because of selfish desires. Someone who is going to love you unconditionally. Someone who-"

My voice breaks.

"Someone who is always going to think of you first, before himself. Someone who falls even more in love with your smile every day, who's going to give you your greatest desires because you deserve the world. Riley Matthews, what you deserve, no man can live up to, especially me, but I know you are going to find someone who lives up to these things the best he can because he loves you so much."

I look down at her hands in mine, wishing that this moment was anything than what it actually was.

"I'm finally realizing that will never be me. You deserve better than me, and quite frankly, you deserve better than Evan. He's just a rebound. I want you to find someone better, because you deserve better. You. Deserve. Better."

A tear hits my hand and I realize I'm crying. She deserves someone so much better than me. What was I thinking? Trying to win her back? That was never going to happen.

I raise her hands to my mouth and kiss them.

"Goodbye, Riley Matthews. I feel honored to have been loved by you."

I stand up and start walk towards the door.


I stop and turn around.

She's still sitting in the bay window, with tears also running down her face.

"I-I didn't think I could but... I forgive you. I really do, Farkle. I forgive you, because I know you're sorry."

"Thank you." I breath out. "That's more than I could ever ask for."

She gives me a smile.

"Goodbye, Riley."


Ok so this one is a bit shorter than usual, I think. But once again I am sitting here writing at 2am and I think there was a lot packed into this chapter, even though it was shorter.

I hope you all enjoyed it! What are your thoughts on Farkle's confession? What do you think is going through Riley's head?

Remember to vote and comment!

Love you all<3 -Lunden

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