Part Twenty Two: The Invitation

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My school has a winter dance every year right before the semester ends for Christmas break. There's really no need for it. The students just like drunk and the school likes to make money.

I've never gone since this is only my freshman year but I've heard plenty of stories. I'm thinking of going just because I have nothing else to do.

Maya isn't at school today. She's sick with the flu, apparently something Shawn brought back from one of his more recent trips.

So now I'm at school alone. No best friend, no boyfriend. I'm still not talking to Lucas or Smackle. I really need more friends.

I walk into my history class and sit down in the front like always. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Evan sitting behind me. Normally I'd be annoyed, but since I'm all alone today, I decide to be civil.

"Yes, Evan?"

"Are you going to the dance on Friday?"

"Why do you care?"

"I need a date."

"I heard Sarah is single. You should go ask her." I then back facing front but then he taps on my shoulder again so I turn back around.

"Sarah is going with Dave."

"Well there are plenty of girls in this school, I'm sure you can find one to go with you to the dance." I turn back around towards the front again. Instead of tapping my shoulder he just keeps talking to the back of my head.

"Yeah, I'm sure I could, too. But none of them would be Riley Matthews."

I freeze. My face reddens. What did he just say? I turn around to face him.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"I think you heard me."

I just stare at him dumbfounded. Did he, the guy who taunts and teases me everyday, the guy who makes my life a living hell, just ask me to a dance?

"I'm going to take that as a yes. I'll pick you up at seven."

I just keep staring him. I hear my dad start talking but I'm still so shocked that I just keep staring.

Evan leans in close to me and whispers, "You're staring. It's kind of creepy."

That snaps me out of it and I turn around to face my dad without another word.

When the class ends and everyone leaves, I walk up to my dads desk.

"Hey honey, is something wrong? You seemed kind of out of it."

"Evan asked me to the dance on Friday."


I jump at my dads loud exclamation.

"No daughter of mine is going to a dance with the spawn of that she-devil!"

"I kind of am."


I jump again. "Dad, please calm down."

"You're going to a dance with that dirty, no good...."

Ok so maybe telling my dad wasn't the best idea. I walk out the classroom while my dad rants and I can still hear him going at it from across the hall at my locker.

How bad could one night with Evan be?

So apparently going shopping for a dress two days before a dance isn't the best idea. The store was so picked over, the only dresses they had in my size were so bad that not even Cinderella's fairy godmother could've helped them.

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