Part Sixteen: The Party

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I wake up in a slight panic.

Someone has their arms around me.

What's happening?

Did I get kidnapped in my sleep?

Will my parents ever find me?

Now I'll never be a bunny farmer.


I remember now.

I look up and there he is. Sleeping soundly.

I let out a deep breath and relax back into his arms.

But then I get he feeling that someone is watching me.

I open my eyes again and look around.

It's Maya. In the bay window. Just sitting there. Staring at us with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." She says.

"How long have you been there?" I whisper, trying not to wake Farkle. I slowly untangle myself from his arms and walk over to sit next to Maya.

"Long enough. So is him staying here going to be a normal thing or-"

"No. This was a one time thing. At least for a while it will be."

She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Look I didn't mean for him to stay the night, it just kind of... happened." I give her my best sincere look.

"Fine. Whatever you say. You guys are adorable anyway." She pokes my nose with her finger.

I laugh. "Really? You don't think it's weird or anything?"

"Are you kidding me? I've been waiting for you two to get together for a while now."

"Wait, what? But I didn't even tell you that I liked Farkle until a few months ago."

"Actions speak louder than words, honey. Just friends don't steal glances from each other. Just friends don't get jealous when the other talks about someone else. Just friends don't get butterflies from each other. Just friends don't hold each other like that." She motions over to my bed where Farkle is still sleeping. "I knew a long time ago you both had feelings for each other. But you both chose someone else because you thought it was the right thing to do."

"You mean I chose Lucas just because I didn't want to hurt Farkle and Smackle?"

"And he chose Smackle because he didn't want to hurt you and Lucas."

"But I really did like Lucas."

"I know you did. And he really did like Smackle. What I'm saying is, you both found someone who was the kind of person that you expected yourself to like. So it covered your feelings for each other. That is, before they finally surfaced enough for you guys to notice."

"Did Lucas notice?" I ask. If I hurt Lucas in any way I would feel terrible.

"I think he might've. Which would explain why he was so understanding and willing to move on so quickly." Her voice grows quieter.

She hasn't heard a word from Lucas since the last time they talked in the hospital. That was almost a month ago.

"Maya, I-"

"This isn't what I came here to talk about."


"There's a party tonight." She says before I can finish.


"There's a party. Tonight. And you, me and Farkle are all going."

"Ok. When and where?"

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