Part Twenty Four: The Kiss

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I spent the entire weekend crying.

Evan came by once more on Saturday to see how I was doing the day after, which was nice. I didn't really feel any better than I had the night before. There was still so much to process.

He offered to watch the Office with me to cheer me up but I wasn't really in the cheering up mood, so he left shortly after.

The rest of the day I just stayed in my room, curled up in bed. My parents would come to check on me, try to get me to come out, to eat, anything. I just ignored them. It hurt too much. It hurt too much to do anything.

The next day was pretty much the same. I stayed in bed until I heard my bay window open. I turn over to see who it is and it's Maya. One of the last people I want to see right now.

"Honey, oh my gosh. You look terrible. Evan told me what happened. Why did Evan have to tell me what happened?" She says as she walks over to my bed. She sits down next to me.

I just turn away from her and don't say a word. She lied to me. Multiple times. Just like Farkle. The last two people in the world who I thought would ever lie to me and they both did.

"Honey, please talk to me. I know it hurts but it helps to talk about it."

"I'm not talking about anything with you." I say, still not facing her.

"What? Why? Riles, what's wrong?"

I continue to ignore her.

"Riley. Talk to me. Why won't you talk to me?"

"I have a problem with opening up to people who lie to me." I say.

"What? Riley, I've never lied to you. Why would I lie to you?"

"I don't know you tell me." I sit up and sit on the opposite side of the bed, still not facing her. I know if I do, I'll break down.

"Riley, I don't understand."

I take a deep breath, stand up and face her, trying my best to hold myself together.

"I don't understand why my best friend would lie about being sick only to go out with a guy she said she had no contact with. I don't understand why my best friend would ignore my calls and texts when I'm trying to talk to her because I had found out my boyfriend had cheated on me. I don't understand how it was Evan that has been there for me these past couple days, the last person I ever thought I would open up to but I had to because my best friend was too busy with her stupid secret boyfriend." I don't hold back the anger in my voice. She needs to know how hurt I am.

"R-Riley, I-"

"Just leave. Don't even try to say anything because why should I believe you?"

She's crying now. It makes me want to cry but I hold back my tears because I can't cry, not now. I can't break down.

"Riley, I'm so sorry. But - but if you want me to leave, I will."

"I do."

She just nods her head and then makes her way out of the bay window, closing it behind her.

When I'm sure she's gone, I immediately collapse onto my bed and start sobbing.

Nothing changes for the rest of the night.

I force myself to wake up and go to school, even though I don't have the emotional will to. But I don't plan on letting anyone know what's going on so I put on some jeans, knee high boots and a festive Christmas sweater because there's only a week until Christmas.

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