Part Ten: The Visit

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I wake up the next morning and look around.

This isn't my room.

Then I remember.

Oh yeah, I slept in Farkle's room.

I look up and smile. Farkle is still sound asleep. He looks so peaceful. I sit up and shake his shoulder. He slowly wakes up and looks over at me.

He smiles. "How was your sleep?"

"Better since I was with you."

He lets out a small laugh. "We should probably start getting ready. We might get to visit Lucas today."

I look down at my hands. Farkle reaches out and takes my hands in his.

"Are you gonna be ok?"

"I think so. I better go get ready." I get up and walk towards the door. I look back at Farkle before leaving and close the door behind me.

The five of us are eating breakfast when Uncle Buster gets a phone call.

"We'll be right over, Pappy Joe."

He looks up at us with a smile.

"Lucas is awake. We can go visit him now."

We all smile excitedly. This means that Lucas is going to be ok.

We all pile into Uncle Buster's truck and head to the hospital.

When we enter the hospital, Pappy Joe greets us.

"How is he?" I ask immediately.

"He's awake, but he's still bruised. So when you see him, just... Don't expect to see the same Lucas. Also, they would prefer that y'all see him one at a time. I think it only right that Uncle Buster see him first."

We all nod in agreement. Uncle Buster and Pappy Joe disappear around the corner. We all sit and wait for them to return.

About twenty minutes pass and then Uncle Buster returns.

"He's asked to see Riley next."

Everyone looks kind of shocked, and I have the same expression.

He asked for me?

I get up and follow Pappy Joe to Lucas' room. As I walk him, he looks up and his face brightens. I smile and take a seat in the chair next to his bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Like I just got thrown off a bull." We both laugh.

Then he grabs his side and has a pained look on his face.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok? Do I need to get the doctor?"

"No, no, no! I'm fine. I guess I should hold off on the laughing till my ribs feel better."

"I guess so." I look down at my hands before asking him, "Lucas, is there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually yes. This whole accident has made me realize how short life is. I mean, I could've died."

"Yes. I'm well aware of that."

"But, you see, that's the point. I almost died and... I still haven't called you mine yet. I know I told you I would wait but, what happens if we wait to long? I need to know now Riley. I need to know if you'll say yes."

He looks deep into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Lucas. This accident has also made me think too. But, not in the same way."

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