Part Thirteen: The Fight

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I close the door to Lucas' room and take a deep breath before turning around.

"Hello Lucas!"

"Hey Smackle. Farkle said you wanted to tell me something."

"Oh did he? Yes, well... Um... You see... I, uh... Wow. This is harder than I thought."

"What is it Smackle? You know you can tell me anything."

I look up at Lucas and can see he is being sincere. "Well, I'm sure you know that Farkle and I broke up." He nods. "And at first I was heartbroken, obviously. I mean Farkle was the first guy I ever really liked and -" I look up at Lucas apologetically. "Sorry, none of that really matters. But anyway. It gave me time to really think about my feelings, although I don't entirely understand them, and every time I did..." I start to trail off.

"It's ok Smackle. You can say whatever you need to say."

"Every time I thought about my feelings, the only person I kept thinking about was..." I look up at him cautiously. He just nod for me to continue. "...was you." I look down at the floor, afraid to see his expression.

I hear him sigh and say, slightly under his breath, "Just when I thought I was out of a triangle."

I look up at him and can see he is very conflicted. "I- I'm sorry Lucas. I shouldn't have said anything. It was very selfish of me. I should just go." I turn to leave but I feel him grab my arm. I tense and get goosebumps all over. I slowly turn back towards him and meet his eyes.

"Smackle. This is just a bad time. I don't mean to sound angry or anything. I just have a lot going on right now." He looks at me sympathetically. "But that doesn't mean I won't take your feelings into consideration. I think you're a really cool girl Smackle."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I'd really like to get to know you more, too."

"I can definitely help with that."


"Good." We're silent for a second. "I guess I better go. You probably need to rest."

"Bye Smackle."

"Goodbye Lucas." I turn and leave with a smile on my face.



I see a flash of brunette hair going around the corner in the reflection of the window in the door. I immediately feel dread. I'm sure she saw Smackle kiss my cheek. I have to clear up the misunderstanding before it's too late.

I walk into the lobby to try and find her. She's not sitting in any of the seats, but I spot Zay and he points to the doors. Of course she went outside.

I immediately run out the doors but I still don't find her anywhere near the entrance. I'm walking down the sidewalk when I see someone curled up underneath a weeping willow tree. As im walking up to her, she turns her head and sees me. She stands up and I'm about to say something until I see her facial expression. Pure hurt and anger.

"Riley, please listen to me. It wasn't -"

"You don't have to say anything Farkle. You've already said enough. And the funny part is, we haven't even spoken today."

I just stand there, letting her say what she needs to say. I know I should probably say something, but I have no idea what I could even say to her that would sound believable.

"I can't believe that I thought that I would still have a chance with you even with Smackle coming all the way to Texas."

This time I know I have to say something before she assumes anything else but as I open my mouth, her eyes, like darts, silence me.

"When Smackle told me she wasn't here to get you back, I actually believed her. I thought maybe she was here just to see Lucas. But I was so wrong. You fell right into her trap. And now, you're gone. I wasn't willing to accept it so I went to tell you how I felt about you but imagine how I felt when I see Smackle kiss you."

"Riley, I promise you -"

"No Farkle. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You can't tell me there isn't something going on between you two."

"Do you really think I would do that to you Riley? I broke up with Smackle to be with you! Do you think one visit from her is going to change my mind about that?"

"Yes I do. And I think it did. All day today you've been acting like you guys were before. And that kiss..."

"It was on the cheek!"

"It doesn't matter! It's still a kiss. A kiss is a kiss Farkle! She kissed you and you smiled back at her like you were so happy that she did. You looked at her the way... The way I hoped you would look at me one day. But I can see now that I put my hopes too high."

"So that's how you see me. You see me as someone who would be so easily manipulated. What happened to you having faith in people? What happened to you having faith in me?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "Someone once told me that I might have too much faith in people. Today has shown me that I have put too much faith in you Farkle."

I take a step back. She just stands there.

"So what does this mean then, for us?" I ask.

She looks down at the ground, takes a deep breath and then looks back up at me. "It means... It means that I don't think we should see each other anymore."

I take a step towards her. Surely she doesn't mean that. But she takes a step back and doesn't make eye contact with me. She's actually serious. She doesn't want to see me anymore. I'm in such a state of shock that I don't know what to say and just end up standing there. She looks back up at me. She searches my eyes, but she must not find what she's looking for because then she takes a deep breath and just walks away, back towards the hospital. I can't move.

I messed up bad.


So this is a shorter chapter. I just wanted to post something before I left on Sunday. While im gone I hope you guys vote and comment lots. Your reactions really help me with writing my story.

So this is my last update for a couple weeks! I come back July 8th so depending on how crazy it is once I get back, I hope to update as quickly as I can!

Also, I would just really love to thank you guys for 6k reads!! I cannot believe how far this story has gone. You all are so amazing. I honestly did not think this story would go over very well but you guys seem to love it so thank you!❤️

Ok we'll see y'all in a couple weeks!😘

(june 25, 2016)

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