Part Four: The Moment

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My conversation with Farkle really gave me a lot to think about. What if he was right and Lucas actually likes Maya, but he just doesn't want to hurt me? In this situation, it's unavoidable to hurt either me or Maya. No matter who Lucas chooses, it really will be the end of us. Unless there was someone else that I could find, like Farkle said.

Farkle. He's such a great guy. If I could find someone like him, I'm sure it'd help me get over Lucas.

No. Stop it Riley.

I was going crazy. I couldn't like Farkle. He's my best friend. And he's dating Smackle. I've already seen what liking your best friend does to you with this whole Lucas situation. No. I couldn't deal with that again, and I definitely wouldn't be the reason that Farkle and Smackle break up.

I head to school more confused than ever. The entire school day I can't seem to focus. The day goes by in a blur, until I'm standing by my locker after school. Lucas walks up to me.




We have this same conversation every time we talk now. We used to only do it when something happened between us and we weren't sure what to do next. Now, every encounter was a little awkward.

Lucas breaks the silence. "I really need to talk to you."

"Ok. Why don't we go to Topanga's?"

"Sounds great. Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I follow Lucas out of the building and we head to Topanga's.



I almost blew it yesterday with Riley. I was so close to telling her how I truly felt about her. But wouldn't that makes things easier? Lucas could be with Maya. It was obvious they do like each other on some level. And then Riley and I could be together. No one would get hurt.

But what about Smackle?

She already felt threatened by Riley. But maybe she would understand. She was a scientist as well. She would see that her and I just weren't meant to be. Or she would be heartbroken that I chose the girl that she was most threatened by over her.

You won't know until you try.

I was right. I just needed to go for it. That's what I've been telling Riley. After school I'm going to talk to Smackle. Tell her how I really feel. Wow, I'm so nervous.

I call Smackle and ask her to meet me at Topanga's. When I walk in, I'm surprised to see Riley and Lucas there as well. They seem to be having a deep conversation, so I listen in instead of interrupting them.



"I really like you Riley."

The words just spill out of Lucas' mouth. I'm so shocked that I don't know how to respond. I just sit there with my mouth open trying to find the words to say. Lucas looks at me expectantly.

"Well? I didn't really expect that to be your reaction." Lucas says.

"I'm sorry. This is just kind of a shock. I didn't realize this was what you wanted to talk about."

"Well it is. But what I want to know is, do you still like me back?"

"I-." I pause. I think about my conflicting feeling from earlier. "I don't know. I need to think about this."

"Take as much time as you need. I've made my choice. Now you just need to make yours."

I smile at him, giving him a silent thank you. He's always so understanding and sweet. I get up and leave Topanga's with a lot to think about. As I walk out, I see Farkle and Smackle sitting outside seeming to be in deep conversation. I walk past them and head home.



"I really like you Riley."

I hear those words and I'm crushed. Why did this have to happen now? I try and walk out before I hear Riley's response but Smackle is standing right behind me, with an adorable smile on her face. Seeing that smile just makes what I'm about to do that much harder. And despite what Lucas just said or whatever Riley's response was, I knew I needed to do this for myself. Smackle and I probably wouldn't have lasted long anyway.

"Hello Farkle. What did you want to talk about?"

"Uh, lets go outside." I grab Smackle's arm and lead her outside to one of the tables.

"Are you ok Farkle? You seem upset."

"Smackle." I pause and take a deep breath. "I think-." Wow, this was harder than I thought. But I knew it was the right thing to do. "I think we need to break up."

A look of confusion and hurt shows on her face. "Oh."

"I just think we should end it now. We never would have worked anyway. We're too alike. And like science says-."

"Like forces repel." She says with a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry Smackle. This hurts me too, but I think it's the right thing to do."

"Is this because of Riley?"

"I- I'm not sure yet. But no matter what happens between me and her, this is still the right thing to do."

"If you say so Farkle. I respect your decision because I respect you."

"Thank you Smackle. And I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course Farkle." She gives me another smile, but it's sadder. She gets up slowly and starts to walk away. "Farkle, I wish you good luck."

"And I you Smackle."

She looks away and leaves me to sit alone at the table. I feel relieved. Now I can figure out my feelings for Riley without feeling guilty. I just hope Riley feels the same about me as I do her.

Thank you for reading! Pleas vote and leave comments! It really helps me to know whether I should continue writing or not:)

(april 10, 2016)

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