Part Eighteen: The Pity Party

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{feel free to listen to any of your favorite pity party songs during this chapter}

It's Saturday. It's 10am. Around this time I'd normally be in Central Park, with my boyfriend.

Except this Saturday, I'm not.

Because my boyfriend is out of town. For the next,



Farkle's mom called and decided that Farkle should visit her.

Farkle's mom's job sometimes takes her out of the country for long periods of time. She's been in Germany for the past seven months.

Stuart tried to argue that he had school but we all know Farkle is smart enough to miss half the semester and still get a 4.0.

So now my boyfriend is Germany. I don't know what I'm supposed to do for the next three weeks without him.

All of a sudden I hear a tap on my bay window. I look up and see that it's Maya. I motion for her to come in and she enters the bay window.

I walk over and sit next to her.

"Peaches! Just the person I need to cheer me up!"

She looks up at me with sad eyes. "Really? I was hoping you could cheer me up."

"What's wrong, Peaches?"

"It's Lucas. He came over yesterday after school, said he wanted to talk."

"Ok, before we get into this, we need a few things."

"Such as?" Maya says, slight annoyance but also a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Blankets, pajamas, and lots and lots of ice cream."

Once we're settled in the bay window properly attired, covered in a mountain of blankets, and a gallon of ice cream each, I ask Maya:

"So, what did Lucas say?"

"He apologized." She says, sadness in her voice.
"Riley, I've never felt like this. Why do I feel like this? He's just a guy!"

"Feel like what?"

"Why wasn't I good enough for him? Why did he leave me? What did I do? Riley. The only other time I've felt this is with my dad. Why do I feel like this?"

"Maybe you love him."

"What?! That's absurd. I don't love Lucas. I've never had the chance to."

"Well if you don't love him then it shouldn't be a big deal."

"But it is, Riles! It is a big deal! I want to know why!"

I just look at her with a knowing smile. She looks back, her eyes filling with realization, hope, and then worry.

"I can't be in love with him." She says.

"Why not?"

"Because he's... he's a Huckleberry, a Ranger Rick. I can't be in love with a Huckleberry."

I laugh. "Well I think you are."

She sighs. "Well, whether I'm in love with him or not doesn't change the fact that he clearly has no interest in me."

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is and you know it."

I go to say something but she puts a finger up to my lips, silencing me.

"Riles, he chose you. We both know he chose you. Then you rejected him and told him to choose me, but he chose Smackle instead. He doesn't want to be with me."

I move her finger from my mouth. "Maya, we were in a triangle. He had to like you at least a little bit. Don't lose hope."

"Hope is for suckers." She hangs her head.

I reach over and grab her hand.

"Thunder." I say.

She looks at our hands, and then up at me with a smile.

"Lightning." She says. "Who needs guys when I have you?"

I give her a smile.

"So, what was it that you needed cheering up?" She asks.

"Oh, wow. I had almost forgotten. Um, well. Farkle is in Germany."

"Why is he in Germany?"

"His mom is there for her job. She's been there for about seven months now and instead of coming to visit her son, she decided he should come visit her."

"Wow. How long is he gone?"

"Three weeks."

"Three weeks?! Why?"

"I guess she really misses him."

"I'm gonna guess you already really miss him?"

"Yeah." I say. "He hasn't even been gone for twenty four hours. I guess it's just worse because we're usually hanging out right now."

"Well thank God for Skype, right?"

"Yeah. That will definitely make it bearable." I say, tears starting to form in my eyes. I let out a laugh in an attempt to push them back.

Maya grabs my hand. "Hey. Tears are allowed. This is a pity party, and we can cry if we want to."

We both laugh through our tears.

"I'm so glad I have you, Peaches."

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Riles."

I grab my phone and start playing Pity Party by Melanie Martinez. Maya and I just sit in the bay window, eating our ice cream and letting the tears flow.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry, cry, cry. I'll cry until the candles burn down this place. I'll cry until my pity party's in flames. It's my party..."


Will Lucaya happen? Or is Lucadora forever? Looks like Maya will have to decide whether to voice her true feelings or not.

Maybe Maya never gets the chance because a certain party-goer makes a reappearance. I guess we'll see.

Thank you all for reading! This was kind of a filler chapter/set up for new drama. Cause who doesn't love drama?!

Please vote and comment! Thank you and I love you all❤️❤️

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