Part Twenty Five: The Note

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Riley still isn't talking me. There's only four days left of school until Christmas break. Only four days left that I'm guaranteed to see her. Only four days left to get us at least talking so that it won't be as awkward if we see each other over break.

I miss her so much. Seeing her but not being able to be with her is the worst feeling in the world. Seeing her with that Evan kid hurts even more.

Although it's looks as if they're fighting right now so maybe I have a better chance of getting her to talk to me.

I tried talking to Maya, too. She also pissed at me but seems more willing to talk to me. Apparently her and Riley are fighting as well so Maya doesn't have anyone else to go to. But that's all she's told me. She won't tell me why they're fighting or give me any advice on how I can get Riley to acknowledge my existence again.

When she defended Evan yesterday instead of me, I knew that she really hated me. Riley doesn't abandon anyone, even when she's mad at them. But yesterday, that was so unlike her. But then again, cheating is so unlike me.

I don't know why I did it. It's like all the time I spent with Blake changed me into a different person. I liked that person at the time, but if being that person meant that I couldn't have Riley then I never want to be that person again.

I walk into science class, last class of the day. Riley and I usually sit next to each other but yesterday she switched with the person behind me. So now I can't even look at her.

Sometimes I turn around to look at her but she either averts her eyes or glares at me. I can't take this. I have to talk to her. Today. Whether she wants to or not. She may hate me but I need to be with her. I need to hear her voice.

I see her already sitting at her seat. I sit down in my seat and write a note. I take a deep breath, walk to her, put the note on her desk and then sit back down. I guess we'll see what happens.

Meet me in the staircase after class. I need to talk to you. -Farkle

Is he serious? He thinks I'm going to talk to him? I can't believe this. I need to clear my head. I text Evan and tell him to meet me by the tree outside of the lunch room. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I steal a glance at Farkle and he's giving me a weird look. I ignore it and head outside.

Evan is already at the tree. He's leaning up against it.

"You got here quick." I say as I walk up to him.

"I was already skipping class."

"Of course."

"Mind telling me why I'm here?"

"This." I hand him the note.

He reads over and then rolls his eyes. "Really? I thought I made it clear that I wanted no part of this."

"Whether you like it or not, we're friends now. And friends give advice. So please tell me what to do."

"About what?"

"About Farkle! Should I go or not?"

"I think you should."

"What?! Why?"

"He says he wants to talk to you, let him talk. I mean, I'm here letting you talk aren't I?"

"That's completely different."

"How? How is it different?"

"I'm not furious with you."

"Ah, but you see, you missed something there because, I am not very happy with you. I wouldn't say I'm furious with you, though."

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