Part Six: The Confession

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I'm at my locker when Maya runs up behind me.

"Hey Peaches. What's up?"

"Somethings wrong."

"What? What is it Maya?"

"Farkle broke up with Smackle."

I just look at Maya. I think back to my conversation with Farkle a few weeks back.

"Maybe Smackle and I aren't good as a couple. If I'm going to rule the world someday having some like Smackle by my side probably wouldn't be the best."

All I can say is: "I can't believe he actually did."

"Wait, you knew about this?"

"Well a few weeks back Farkle told me he might be doubting his relationship with Smackle but I didn't think he was seriously going to break up with her."

"Riley! Why didn't you tell me? We could've talked to him! Try to talk him out of it! Why didn't you talk him out of it?"

"Well, I thought I did. But I guess not well enough. We have to go talk to him about this. This is a bay window kind of talk."

We walk into class and walk up to Farkle.

"Bay window." Maya says.

"Bay window right in three hours." I say.

Farkle looks up at us confused but we stare him down and he throws his hands up in surrender. We sit down in our seats and wait for the day to be over.

After school Maya and I drag Farkle to my house and to the bay window. We sit him in between us, making sure he can't escape our questions.

"So, what is this all about?"

Maya gives him a look and says, "You're the genius. Figure it out."

He looks back and forth between us. "If this is about Smackle and I, there's not much to say."

"There's a lot to say, Farkle. Like how I had to hear this from Zay and not you." Maya says.

"How could you not tell us Farkle?" I ask.

"It didn't seem important. Relationships end all the time. Why is this one any different?"

"But you were Farkle and Smackle. The two geniuses who came together despite what science tells you." I tell him.

"We may have been. But science seems to have won this one. We were too alike. It never would've worked." Farkle shrugs.

"Farkle. You can't judge how a relationship will work based on science." Maya says.

"I know. I've realized that. And I've also realized something else." He looks at me and then at Maya and then back at me. "I've realized that feelings are stronger than science." He looks back at Maya. "I want a relationship to be based on feelings, not what science does or doesn't dictate. That's what Smackle and I were. Two people who were just trying to defeat science. And we failed."

I pat his back and lean on his shoulder.

"You're always here for us, so we're gonna be here for you." Maya says. She leans on his other shoulder. Then he puts his arms around us.

Farkle and his ladies.

It's been so long since we've been like this. Why can't it always be like this? Why do feelings have to get in the way?

Maya then lifts her head up and turns to me with a devious smile.

"What?" I lift my head up and look at her.

"I smell food." She says with an even bigger smile and then runs out of the room to go see what my mom is making.

Now it's just Farkle and I in my room. He's shuffling a bit and seems to be a little nervous.

"Farkle, are you ok?"



"Farkle are you ok?"

Am I ok? I don't even know anymore.

"You know how I said I've learned that feelings are stronger than science?"


"Well, you're the one who taught me that. Ever since we thought I had autism you've made sure that I understand feelings and how they work. Which is why I had to break up with Smackle."

"You didn't have feelings for her?"

"No, I think I did. But I think I did because at the time she was my only option. The first girl to like me as more than a friend. But the more you showed me, the more I realized that feelings do matter. Real feelings. What I felt with Smackle wasn't real."

I look at Riley and she lets out a deep breath. This is it. This is my moment. I have to tell her or I'll explode.

"Riley. What I'm trying to say is, what I felt for Smackle wasn't real but what I feel for you... is." I look at her, waiting for her response.

She smiles and takes my hand. I look down at our intwined fingers and then back up at her. She continues to smile, and I smile back. Then her face looks sad and she pulls her hand away. I turn away.

"Farkle, I'm not going to say I don't have feelings for you, because I do, but-"

"But Lucas." I say. She looks at me, shocked. "I heard you guys at Topanga's. I heard him tell you he still likes you."

"But if you heard then why would you tell me this now?"

"Because I don't want you to settle like I did. I chose Smackle because I thought she was the right choice, my only choice. I want you to know that Lucas isn't you're only choice."

"Well, I still need to think about this." She says, looking at her hands.

"Take all the time you need. And no matter who you choose, I'm always here for you Riley."

She looks back up at me and smiles again.

"Would you like to join us for dinner?" She asks.

"I would love to."

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment if you would like me to continue<3

(april 14, 2016)

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