Part Twenty Six: The Civil War

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Riley and Evan.


And Evan.


I thought she hated the guy. Every time she skyped me she would go on and on about how miserable he made her life.

I bet he forced her to do this. Using her vulnerable state to get his hands on her only to crush her, to shatter her into pieces.

I can't live with that. I already hurt her, I can't let her get hurt by someone else.

I storm into the school building, scanning the halls, trying to find Evan. I finally spot him at his locker.

I walk up to him and say, "Evan!" And shove him up against the locker, adrenaline giving me the strength to hold him there.

"Dude, what the hell? Get off me!"

"Stay away from Riley!"

His face calms and then becomes amused. "Of course that's what this is about. Dude, she chose me. You lost. Now why don't you tuck your tail between your legs and run off to where all the other cheaters hangout."

"You shut up! You don't know anything!"

"Actually, I know a lot. See, when you cheated, she didn't have anyone else to go to but me. And man did she spill her heart out. She really, really hates you right now."

I let go of him. He pretends to dust himself off.

"There we go. Now was that so-"

He cut off by my fist connecting with his jaw.

"Farkle!" I hear a scream behind me and I turn around. It's Riley.

"Farkle, what the hell are you doing?!" She rushes over to Evan and looks at his face. She then turns to me with anger blazing in her eyes.

She walks right up to me and says, "If you really plan on trying to win me back, I don't think fighting my boyfriend is going to help your case any. Now, not only are you a cheater, but you're a coward. Whatever Germany did to you, it turned you into someone you're not. So if you really, truly want to get me back, I'd start there."

And with that she grabs Evans hand and walks away from me. People in the hallway just stare. I walk away and head to history class. I make my way to the back seat and sit down.

Riley and Evan still aren't here. I assume they went to the nurses office.

I find myself to be correct when Riley walks in with Evan behind her, who is holding an ice pack to his jaw. He doesn't seem to be happy about it and glares at me. Riley just flat out ignores me.

I was so stupid. Here I was trying to get her to talk to me so that we could hangout over Christmas break, but I might've just pushed her even farther away.

She was right, though. Germany changed me. And it all started when I met Blake. What was supposed to be an innocent friendship turned into so much more.

It turned me into someone I wasn't. Two months ago I never would've cheated, I never would've punched somebody, I never would've put myself before my friends and the people I love.

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