Part Fourteen: The Silence

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The weeks that followed our trip to Texas were just as terrible as the trip. Lucas was avoiding Maya and I for some reason, and Zay just followed him. It seemed like Lucas and Smackle were getting closer as well, which really confused Maya and I. We only ever saw Farkle in class, and he never even glances over at me. His face just stays straight forward unless he turns around to talk to Smackle or Lucas or Zay. It seemed that Maya and I had been completely butted out of the group. I mean I expected the awkwardness with Farkle but not with Lucas and Zay.

The bell rings, interrupting my confused thoughts. I gather my things and Maya and I walk into the hallway to go to our next class. My phone goes off as I'm walking and as I go to pull it out I run right into somebody and drop everything. As I'm going to pick everything up I realize it's Farkle. He's helping me pick my stuff up when he also realizes it's me. We slowly stand up. Never breaking eye contact. He looks as if he's going to say something and a bit of hope sheds on my face. Maybe this awkward silence can break and everything can be normal again. But then he shakes his head and changes his mind. He just hands me my stuff and mutters, "Sorry." And walks away.

I try not to be too disappointed. I mean, I caused all of this. I'm the one who broke it off with Farkle. I guess I just hoped... No. No hoping. Hope, as Maya says, is for suckers. I'm done hoping. I'm done having faith in people. All people do is disappoint you.

I storm off to class and Maya follows quickly behind. We get to our classroom and I slam my books on my desk before sitting down. Maya sits down behind me.

"Riles-." I cut her off.

"Bay window." Is all I say.
Once school ends we head straight to my house, walk right past my parents, and go and sit in the bay window.

Maya doesn't miss a beat. "Riley what happened back there? You didn't say a thing to Farkle."

"Maya what can I say? I'm the one who caused all of this. I'm the one who broke it off."

"So just go apologize. Say you were wrong. There were a lot of things going on that week, we were all feeling very emotional."

"That still doesn't explain his whole thing with Smackle."

"Riley. How many times to I have to tell you. It was on the cheek! And then she walked into Lucas' room, and now, she and Lucas seem to be the ones getting closer. Not Farkle and Smackle."

I stay silent. I try to figure why I should believe her but realize I already do. I had known this the whole time yet I didn't tell myself that. I wanted so badly to have a reason to break things off with Farkle that I over-dramatized a simple kiss on the cheek. I mean how many times had I kissed Farkle on the cheek before I liked him?

"Maya. Why am I so scared to be with Farkle?"

"That's something you'll have to figure out yourself. I mean, I think we both know Farkle isn't scary."

I laugh as I think back to the time Lucas and Farkle scared us with their Halloween masks. Once he took the mask off and I realized it was just Farkle, he wasn't scary anymore. So if it isn't Farkle I'm afraid of, then what is it? I need to figure it out before I try to apologize to Farkle. If he even still wants to be with me. I shake those thoughts away. I can't think like that if I want there to be any chance of Farkle and I to be together. I must stay positive.
Focus. This is physics. You love physics.

I try to start the problem again, but my mind just blanks. I can't remember what to do.

Come ON Farkle. It's a simple equation. Velocity times the second time plus one half plus the acceleration times the first time. Or no. It's the velocity of the FIRST time plus one half TIMES the acceleration time the SECOND time. Yes, that's right. Ugh, why do I keep forgetting such simple equations.

Except I know why. It's Riley. For the past two weeks I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. I can't stop thinking about our fight under the tree. How she accused me of something I didn't do. And how I didn't tell her she was wrong. How I just let her leave. And I don't know how she'll ever forgive me for that.

I give up on my physics homework and decide to go to bed. Maybe some sleep will help. As soon as my head hits the pillow, my world goes black.
A knock on my door wakes me up the next morning. Really? It's Saturday. The one day I get to sleep in. I lazily sit up and say, "Come in!" The door opens a blond head peeks around the door.

"Maya? What are you doing here?"

"Well hello to you too, Farkle." She walks across my room and stands at the foot of my bed. "In fact I think it's been a few weeks since I've heard a hello from your mouth." She looks right at me. I slowly get out of bed.

"Do you mind if I change before we continue this conversation?" She nods. I quickly run to my closet. I pick out a pair of jeans and a plain black v-neck t-shirt. When I walk out of my closet I spot Maya standing at the window looking outside. I walk up next to her. We're silent. I know she wants me to say something but I can't think of anything. She turns around and then looks up at my ceiling, which is also a planetarium. I turn and look with her.

"You once said that Pluto would always be a planet in your room. Is that still true?"

"Yes of course."

"Where is it?" She says, still looking up.

"Well, it's sometimes hard to find because it looks like every other star."

"You don't have its location memorized? I'm kind of surprised Farkle."

"Well I guess I just thought believing in it would be enough. I didn't think finding it would be important."

"Farkle. I know that kiss between you and Smackle didn't mean anything. And so does Riley." I look at Maya, surprised. "You need to talk to her."

"I don't even know what I'd say."

"Just explain yourself. I think she'll be more willing to listen this time. Plus, I think she has a lot to say, herself."

"What does this have to do with finding out where Pluto is?"

"If you take the time and the effort to find Pluto and really give it a chance, you'll see how amazing it is despite its size and what everyone else says about it. Then you'll realize finding Pluto was one of the best things you could've done."

"I think I understand what you're saying."

"Then go find Pluto before it's too late."


Wow this is a crappy chapter. I kind of tried to speed write it, so it's not as good as it could be. But I hope y'all still like it!

As always, please vote and comment! Thank you guys so much!

And also.....

My new Riarkle fanfic that I was having you guys vote on the idea for is finally in the works! I've made the cover and now I'm working on the first chapter! I can't wait to share it with you guys. I'm so excited!

Ok it's like 1am here so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight!

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