Part Twenty Three: The Dance

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It's Friday, the day of the dance. We only have a half day so that the girls have enough time to get ready. Which I don't even understand because it's not like it's one of the important dances, but I get to skip half a day of school so I'm cool with it.

Today was pretty laid back. Not a whole lot of people came to school. It's a half day on a Friday so who would? Maya was home sick again so I was left to fend for myself again. Luckily Evan decided to take the day off too, so I had nothing to worry about.

I head home and decide to skype Farkle. I'm really dreading tonight and talking to him would really calm my nerves. Plus, I don't think we've talked in almost a week. I miss him.

I sit in the bay window and open my laptop, open up Skype and call Farkle. It's rings for a few seconds and then the call connects.

What I see on my screen horrifies me.

It's Farkle.

And Blake.

They're kissing on his bed.

She's laying on top of him. Kissing him.

And he's kissing her back. He's never kissed me like that.

I let out a gasp which makes Farkle pause and look at his computer screen. Pure dread is shown all over his face. He pushes Blake away and goes over to his computer screen.

"Riley? Riley, wait. Please, let me explain-"

I slam my laptop closed. Tears are streaming down my face.

He cheated on me? Farkle? Farkle Minkus cheated on me.

How could I not see it?

I don't move for the next few hours. I just sit in the bay window and cry.


Oh no. This is bad. Really bad. I messed up, big time.

How could I let this happen?

It was only supposed to be that one kiss that night on Blake's front porch. But every time Blake came over, all she wanted to do was make out, so I let her.

And now I'm paying the consequences.

Riley was never supposed to know. And if she did find out, I wanted to tell her, not have her skype in like this.

I need to leave. I need to go to her. I need to get to Riley. I need to explain myself. She'll probably hate me, but she'd hate me even more if I just acted like nothing happened.

I have to leave. Now.


Its about five when I finally stop crying. I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my face is a wet, blotchy mess.

I don't know how I'm going to be ready in time for the dance.

I throw some cold water on my face to try and take the redness out but it's not working. Nothing is working.

Not school. Not my relationship. Not anything.

Maya won't even text me back.

I can't help but start crying again. I pound my fist on the bathroom counter.

I look in the mirror and see my tear streaked face. My mascara is everywhere. My hair is a ratty mess. It's disgusting.

I'm disgusting.

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