Part Nineteen: The Distance

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With Farkle being gone, it gave me and Maya a lot of time to hangout. We haven't really hung out in a while. It was really nice. We talked about a lot of things, and had a bunch of sleepovers.

It made the past two weeks go by fast, and now there was only one week left till Farkle was coming back home. I couldn't wait. I had so many things planned.

First, we'd go to my moms café and get some pastries and hot chocolate. Then, we'd take a walk in Central Park. Finally, we'd come back to my house and binge watch the Office.

It'd be perfect.

I hear my laptop ring. Someone is trying to skype me. I look and it's Farkle! Yay! I can tell him about all of things I have planned.

I answer the call and his face pops up. I immediately smile and wave to him.

"Hi!" I say.

He smiles. "Hey, hon. How are you today?"

"I'm perfect, now that I'm talking to you. How are you?"

"Perfect, now that I get to see your smile."

This makes me blush and smile even bigger.

"What have you been up to?" I ask.

"Well, that's what I need to talk to you about." He says, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh. What is it?"

"Germany has been amazing. I absolutely love it here."

I know he does. His Instagram is enough to prove that. He posts like five pictures a day of everything he does. It made me smile looking at how happy he looked in the pictures. I was excited to hear all about when he came back, knowing he'd be wearing that same smile.

He continues. "And well, basically, my mom has offered to let me stay longer."

"Oh, wow. That's amazing! How much longer?" I ask.

"Until she comes home for Christmas."

"Christmas?!" I couldn't hold back the exclamation. "But that's, like, another month!"

"I know. I can't tell you how hard it will be being away from you for so long, but I don't know when I'll be able to come back to Germany."

I'm silent. I want him to be happy, to have this amazing experience. But I didn't want to be a part from him for a whole more month.

"Riley? Hon, I want to know if you're ok with this." He says.

"Farkle, you don't need my permission." I say with a smile, trying to hold back tears. "You're right. This could be a once in a lifetime chance, and you're getting to see your mom. Don't let me come in the way of that."

"Thanks, Riles. You're the most amazing person ever. I'll make sure we skype way more often then we have been." There's indistinct yelling coming from the background and Farkle's head jerks up. "Alright, I'm coming!"

He looks back at me. "I gotta go. Sorry we couldn't talk longer. I promise we'll talk longer next time."

"Don't worry about. Have fun doing whatever you're doing." I say.

"Thanks, I will. Alright. Bye, Riles. I love you."

"I love you, too."

He smiles one last time then the call ends.

I slam my laptop closed and throw it on the ground and immediately start sobbing.

Another month? What made him think I'd ever be ok with that?

I lay down on my pillow and just cry.

I miss him so much. I don't know how I'll survive another month without him.

It's the next day and I'm at school. I've decided to try and not think about Farkle's absence as much as I can.

And it seems it'll be easier than I thought because when I walk into my dads classroom, he's slumped over his desk, muttering.

"Dad? Are you ok?" I ask.

His head jerks up. "Oh, Riley, honey. It's just you." He lets out one of his nervous laughs.

"Are you alright dad?"

"Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be alright?" He says. He starts to form a smile but then it slowly turns into a frown/glare.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

He looks at me and sighs. "She's back!" He yells.

I jump a little, surprised by his exclamation. "Uh, who's back?"

"Her." Is all he's says.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Lauren. She's back! And she brought her son with her, too."

"And let me guess. He's in your class?"

"Yes. I tried to get him switched out, but since I didn't have a 'legitimate excuse' they wouldn't take him out. The jerks."

"Dad, I'm sure it's not going to be that bad. And besides, it's her son, not Lauren herself."

"You know what? You're right. I bet he looks nothing like her so it won't be that difficult to remember where he came from."

The bells rings and students start pouring into the classroom. I take my seat in the front and Maya comes in and sits down next to me. I turn to the empty desk behind me and suddenly I remember that Farkle isn't coming back, not for a while at least.

I turn around when my father lets out a scream.

A boy is standing at the front of the classroom, holding out a paper for my father to take. All my father does is point at the boy with his mouth hanging open.

Then he looks over at me and says, "It's Lauren with short hair, and a male body."

I roll my eyes. Maya just starts laughing, amused at my fathers overreaction.

The boy awkwardly sets his transfer slip on my dads desk and then walks and sits in the desk behind me.

I almost tell him that it's Farkle's seat, but seeing as Farkle won't be here for the rest of the semester, I decide to let it slide. Besides, it'll be nice to finally have the seat behind me filled.

I turn around and ask the boy, "So, what's your name?"

"My names Evan. I'm guessing you're his daughter?" He asks, looking up at my father whose facial expression has yet to change.

"Yupp, I'm Riley Matthews. Daughter of Cory and Topanga."

"Just think, you and I were almost brother and sister."

My eyes widen. What did he just say?

I say nothing and slowly turn back to face my father.

I already miss having an empty desk behind me.


I couldn't resist adding Evan to the story. I loved his character so much tbh.

Will Farkle keep his promises?
Will Riley be ok without Farkle?
What kind of role will Evan play in the next month?

Please vote and comment! It means a lot to me when you guys do!❤️

Also, I'd like to give a shoutout to a fanfic I'm currently reading because I don't think they have nearly as many reads as they deserve.

Go read Girl Meets Life by daydreambabes. It's sooooo good!!😆

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