Part Seven: The Trip

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It was Friday. Finally fall break was here. A whole week to just relax and think. I walk over to where my friends are grouped up.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

They all turn and look at me excitedly, all except for Maya, who I can tell is totally faking her excitement. Lucas walks towards me.

"Guess what?" He asks like an excited child.

"What? What's going on?" I ask.

"My Pappy Joe invited us all to Texas for fall break! And that's not even the best part."

"Oh wow." I say. Trying to figure out what he could possibly say next. "What's the best part?"

"I've been entered in another bull riding competition!" Lucas says, looking very proud of himself.

All I feel is dread. I might've supported him when he rode Tombstone but that doesn't mean I enjoyed watching it. He could've died!

"Wait. Bull riding? Again?! You're not-"

"Oh no. I am not riding Tombstone again. That was a one time thing. This time I'll be riding a much gentler bull named Mudslinger."

I look at Maya and can see we share the same expression. We both do not want Lucas to be doing this. But, just like last time, I'm going to support Lucas because I know that's what he needs.

"Although I'm not too excited about hearing about the bull, I'll be there to support you Lucas. I believe you can do it." I give him a smile.

"Thanks, Riley. I was hoping you'd say that." He smiles back.

I look back at Maya and her expression is sad. This is just like the last Texas trip all over again and we weren't even in Texas yet.

"So when do we leave?"


The flight to Texas was four hours but it felt like an eternity. We couldn't get to Texas fast enough. Maya kept shifting uncomfortably next to me. She wasn't very excited about Texas.

"Are you ok, Peaches?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine."


"Riley. I'm fine. I swear. I'm ok. I'm fine."

"Maya you can't lie to me. I'm your best friend. Tell me what's going on. I know you're not happy about going to Texas. I just want you to tell me why. Is it because of Lucas?"

Maya sighs and looks at me. "I guess I thought getting over him would be easier than this. But now we're going back to Texas, the place where our first real moment happened and now everything is just rushing back."

I just look at her, letting her process and say what she needs to say. I hold her hand to give her some closure.

She sighs again. "I guess the real reason I came was to help me get over him. To see if I could go back to that place with all of those memories and act like everything was normal. It's a lot harder than I thought."

"Well I'm always here for you, Maya." I give her a smile.

She pulls her hand away and says, "I think I need some time alone."

Then she gets up and goes to sit next Zay, someone she knows will cheer her up. I used to be that person. I'm still that person but so much has changed that now I can't always be that person. And it hurts. A lot.

We finally land and as we hurry to get our luggage, we see Pappy Joe waiting for us by the luggage claim. We each give Pappy Joe a hug, collect our luggage, and climb into Pappy Joe's truck.

We all make it to Pappy Joe's house, but we are exhausted from the flight. Zay immediately passes out on the couch. We all split off to our different rooms. Maya and I share a room and as soon as we set our luggage down, we both crash as well.

I'm not sure how long I've slept but I smell whatever Pappy Joe's cooking when I wake up. Maya is gone as well. Dang. I slept longer than the Nap Queen.

I change and make my way into the living room where Zay, Lucas, and Farkle are on the couch and Maya is sitting on the saddle that still sits in our Texas version of the bay window.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up. I think we have a new Nap Queen." Zay says, teasingly.

I look at Maya, expecting some kind of playful reaction, but she just sits there looking at the ground. She isn't doing very well at acting normal.

I take my seat on the cow horn stool next to Maya. Then Pappy Joe yells from the kitchen that dinner is ready. We eat Pappy Joe's famous chili, and it is delicious. After dinner we're all still pretty exhausted and decide to make it a night. I can barely sleep though.

Tomorrow is Lucas' bull riding competition. I shouldn't be scared, he did great last time and that was on Tombstone. But I was still scared. I push the thoughts away to worry with tomorrow. Instead, I fall asleep thinking about my future bunny farm.

Sorry this is so long. I know there wasn't any Riarkle interaction at all but I promise more Riarkle is coming soon!
Please vote and comment if you would like me to continue!<3

(april 18, 2016)

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