Part Thirty One: The One Before The End

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I look around me and smile. I'm at Topanga's surrounded by my best friends.

Maya and Lucas sit across from me. Lucas has his arm wrapped around Maya's shoulders, holding her close.

Smackle and Zay sit kiddy corner to me. Zay makes jokes while Smackle stares at him with amused confusion.

I sit by myself but i'm content. This is everything I could ask for. This moment right here.

Well... almost everything.

I wish more than anything that Riley was here. Even after our moment under the bleachers last semester she still decides to segregate herself from the group. We all miss her.

Whenever we would see her in the hallway we would all smile and wave, hoping that one day she'll join us again. At first she would ignore us, but then she started to smile and wave back. Baby steps, but it's better than it was two months ago.

She's still with Evan. They seem happy. She seems happy, and that's all I can ask for. That doesn't make seeing them together in the hallway or in class hurt any less. I don't know if I'll ever get over her but I have to try.

I was finally able to get Blake to leave a couple days after she arrived. She stayed here trying to convince me we belonged together. I told her I wouldn't be with her if we were the last two people on earth. She finally got the idea and left, hopefully to never be seen or heard from again.

Now it's Christmas break. We only have just over a week left. Christmas is tomorrow and New Years is right around the corner. I sit and listen as my friends talk about their plans for New Years.

"We should have a party!" Zay says.

"Yeah! Like Riley did last year, except without all the drama." Smackle says.

We all stare at her.

"What? It's true." Smackle says, her eyes wide but defensive.

"Yeah we could have it at my place. My parents own the whole building so we'd have the penthouse and roof all to ourselves." I say, changing the subject.

"Then it's settled. We'll spend New Years together at the the Farkle's!" Maya exclaims.

I try and act excited with everyone else, even though on the inside i'm not. All I can think about is how this year was going to be Riley and I'd first New Years together. I had it all planned.

From our rooftop you can see the Rockefeller Center. We'd stand near the edge and chant the countdown together, watching the ball drop. Then, after everyone screams "Happy New Year!", i'd sweep her up into my arms and kiss her. Fireworks would be going off, giving her face the most beautiful glow.

I'll never have that chance now. But that's why i'm throwing this party, so I can take my mind off of what was supposed to be.


I snap back into reality when I hear Maya calling my name.

"Wh-what?" I say. I just now realize everyone else is gone and Maya is sitting next to me.

"You were out of it again. Let me guess: Riley?"

I sigh. "It always is, always will be."

She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "What was it this time?"

"New Years. I had everything planned for this year. Now it's never gonna happen."

"You don't know that."

"Maya, I've lost her. Forever. Otherwise she'd be with me right now."

"You haven't lost her forever. You wanna know how I know?"

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