Part Eight: The Accident

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I wake up to someone saying my name and shaking my shoulder. When I open my eyes I realize it's still dark outside and there's someone standing over me.

"Farkle?" I whisper into the darkness. "What are you doing here? It's 3am."

"Shhh. Come outside with me. I want to talk to you."

I stand up and put on my slippers and a light jacket. I follow Farkle out of the room and out to the porch.

"What is it? What's so important that you have to wake me up in the middle of the night for?"

"You do realize why we're here right? This is Lucas just trying to impress you."

"What? Farkle, Lucas would never do that. He's not that kind of guy."

"Why else would he sign up for a competition that is making him do the thing that scares him the most?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe after Tombstone he isn't as scared anymore. Farkle, are you jealous?"

He doesn't say anything. He just stands there looking at me.

I sigh. "I haven't forgotten about our conversation. And I haven't forgotten my feelings for you. I just need to figure out my feelings for Lucas first."

Farkle steps closer to me, our faces inches apart. I think about how easy it would be to kiss him right now. He grabs my hands and entwines our fingers and then slowly pulls me closer till our foreheads are touching. I'm blushing so hard and I hope he can't tell in the light of the moon.

"Riley, I may not completely understand love but I do know this. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. Ever since that day that I saved your life-"

"Twice." I say.

"Twice," He says, and smiles. "I've known that I would love you forever."

"But I thought that you said you would always love me and Maya the same?"

"I never said how I would love you both. I can love Maya as a friend as much as I love you as a..."

"As a what?" I ask.

He pulls away and lets go of one of my hands.
"I think we should go back to bed." He says.

"Fine." I say. Before we leave the porch I give Farkle a kiss on the cheek. We both blush and then Farkle leads me inside and back to my room.

"Goodnight, Princess." He says as he kisses my hand.

I laugh. "Goodnight, Farkle." And walk into my room.
After a few seconds I hear him walk back to his room. I take off my slippers and my jacket and get back into bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I wake up the next morning with a smile still on my face. I think about last night and how wonderful it felt to be that close to Farkle. I change into some shorts and a plaid shirt, put my hair in a ponytail, and walk out into the living room. Everyone is gathered around Lucas and that's when I remember that today is that stupid bull riding competition.

Lucas sees me. "Hey Riley, you better eat before we head to the competition."

I give a half smile and walk into the kitchen where I make some cereal. Lucas walks in after me.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He says, as is his usual response.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Oh yeah. This bull is gonna be nothing. And I've got you there to support me."

"You'll always have me." I give him a smile.

"Riley, I don't know if you remember what I said last time we were here but it's still true today. Without you, I never would've gotten on that bull. It's your constant support that has gotten me to where I am today. And I want you to know that, today, the only way I'm going to be able to beat that bull is if you're there. You give me this feeling that I can do anything. I want to thank you for that." He steps towards me and takes one of my hands in his. "You mean a lot to me Riley. You're the reason so many good things have been happening in my life lately."

"You mean a lot to me too Lucas. And I know you're going to do amazing on that bull today."

"Thanks Riley. I don't know what I'd do without you."

This boy is making it very hard for me to get over him.

Suddenly Pappy Joe's voice booms through the house. "Time to head out y'all! Wanna be there early so we can size up this Muslinger."

Lucas lets go of my hand and follows me out of the kitchen. I spot Farkle from across the room and he has a questioning look on his face.

I hope he didn't hear any of that.

We pile into Pappy Joe's truck and head to the competition grounds. When we get there Lucas and Pappy Joe go to register Lucas in the competition while Maya, Zay, Farkle and I get some refreshments.

I look at Maya as we're standing there and she seems very restless.

"Are you going to watch?" I ask her.

"Uh, yeah. I think I am this time. I think I can believe that he'll be fine. I mean if he can ride Tombstone and walk away, he can ride this Mudslinger and walk away too right?"

"Of course Maya. He's going to be fine." I give her a reassuring smile.

Lucas and Pappy Joe enter the tent. Lucas is wearing the protective vest just like last time.

"I'm the third rider, right before Tombstone actually."

"You're gonna do great Lucas." I tell him.

The intercom announces that the competition is starting and we head out to the ring. Mutton-busting is first so we watch the little kids ride the sheep, and Judy the sheep is there as well. After the mutton-busting ends, the bull riding competition starts. Watching the first two contestants was hard but they get out without serious injury.

Next up is Lucas. As he walks over to the bull, I look at Maya. I can tell this is going to be hard for her.

Looks like she's having just as hard of a time trying to get over Lucas.

I grab her arm and she grabs mine very hard. I give her another reassuring smile and she tries to return it.

Lucas is seated on the bull.

We wait for the signal.

The buzzer sounds.

The gate opens.

Lucas comes flying out of the stall on the back of a huge buckskin bull. Not as big as Tombstone but still huge.

He's only on for about two seconds before the worst happens.

All of a sudden Lucas is thrown from the bull. The bull just keeps bucking and kicks Lucas twice before the clowns can get him away. Lucas is lying in the ring, unmoving. I feel Maya tense next to me. I let go of her. All I can think about is Lucas.


I run into the ring towards him but the clowns hold me back as the paramedics rush into the ring and put Lucas on a stretcher. All I can do is try to fight the clowns and scream Lucas' name.


I feel a hand on my back. I turn around and it's Farkle. He opens his arms and holds me in a tight embrace. He holds me and I just cry into his shirt.
I cannot believe what just happened.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please vote and comment!

Also, finals are coming up for me so my posting may be a little irregular but I promise I will still continue to write! <3

(april 25, 2016)

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