Part Thirty Two: The End

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After Evan leaves, I stay in the bay window for a few minutes. I process the last half hour of my life. So much has happened.

My ex boyfriend professed his love for me, I almost professed my love in return. I broke up with my boyfriend, who I actually liked. And now I'm about to crash my first ex boyfriends New Years party to tell him I still love him.

This is a moment I really wish I had Maya. Gosh, I miss her so much. The past few weeks probably wouldn't have been as messy if I had Maya to confide in.

Riley, stop thinking about how much you miss her and just text her already.

I pull out my phone and click on Maya's contact. I click on the call icon and listen as I hear the humming of the phone ringing.

It rings four times before someone picks up.

"Hello? Riley is this really you?" She says through the phone. I haven't heard her voice in so long, I almost start crying.

"Maya." Is all I can get out.

"Oh my gosh, it is you. Wait, this is a real call right? You didn't just accidentally butt dial me or something?" She asks.

"No." I say quickly. "I mean, no, it's not accidental. This is real. I just... I really need you Peaches. I don't know how I survived these past few weeks without you." I'm a complete mess. This is now the second time tonight that I've broken down crying.

"I'm on my way." She says before hanging up the phone.

I wait patiently for her to come through the bay window. When she does I immediately grab her and hold her in a hug, one that is long overdue, and she squeezes me back.

"Oh Peaches." I pull back from the hug and hold her face in my hands, a face I havent allowed myself to look at in so long, a face I've missed so much.

"I've missed you so much, honey." Maya says. I now realize she's also been crying.

I hug her again.

"I never want to be apart from you ever again." I say into her hair.

"Me either. Oh my gosh, Riley." She pulls away from the hug to look me in the eyes. "I'm so so sorry for-"

"Don't even start. I was being so over dramatic. I had just found out about Farkle and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing. I'm the one who should be sorry." I say.

"I still lied to you and best friends don't do that. I don't know why I hid that guy from you but it was stupid of me to do. I'll never do that again. I'm sorry."

We both just laugh.

I smile at her. "This feels so good. Life wasn't complete without you in it, Peaches."

"Mine either. I was miserable. I'm so glad you called." She smiles back, both of us beaming with happiness.

"So, fill me in. What's happened? Give me an update of the goings on in Mayaville." I say, grabbing her hand.

She takes a deep breath and then exhales. "Well, quite a bit actually. It took some time but Farkle and I became friends again. And then, he convinced me to try and reconcile with the rest of the gang. That was very interesting. We had a pretty rocky start but we're finally all friends again. In fact..." She trails off.

"What? What?!" I beg her to continue.

"Well, huckleberry and I made up and now we're... together."

"Oh my gosh! Finally! That's so exciting!" I exclaim happily. I am one hundred percent happy for them. No part of me feels anything for Lucas anymore, which makes me glad so that he and Maya can finally have a chance to be together without anyone getting in their way.

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