Chapter One

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  "Hmm, i want blue." I chew on the end of the Biro in one hand as i bounce Ethan on my hip with the other.
"Isnt blue a bit...boring?" Gary murmurs as he paces Ethan's new room behind me as the evening light pours through the bay window.
"Since when have you been one for being extravagant? " I smirk, biting my lip as Garys neck snaps up and he throws me a look.
"Oi you cheeky mare!" He gasps and I yelp slightly when I feel his hand make sharp contact with my bum.
"Mumma.." Ethan grumbles quietly as he begins to wriggle uncomfortably in my arms. "Down please, mumma."
I comply willingly and lower the toddler to his feet, along with the pale blue stuffed rabbit.
"What do you think eh mate?" Gary grins, dropping to his knees to meet Ethan as he tumbles towards him. "What colour do you want? It is your room after all."
"My woom!" Ethan squeals happily, clapping his hands together and bouncing on the spot.
"Mmh-h." Gary smiles back, ruffling his copper hair. "So what colour do you want to paint it?"
"Black!" Ethan grins immediately, bouncing on the spot once more.
"Okay." Gary rolls his eyes with a smirk as he stands up and takes the Biro from my hand. "I think we'll run with blue."
"We always were running with blue." I grin back as i hold out my hand for Ethan to take.
"Excuse me?" Gary raises his eyebrows. "When did we decide that?"
"I decided you dont get a say anymore." I stick my tongue out as i begin to lead Ethan across the beige carpeted landing. "You lost that right when you named that bloody rabbit Elizebeth."
"Oh i see how it is!" He laughs in response, stepping in front of me to unfasten the baby gate at the top of the stairs.

"Go on Ethe," I smile, setting the two year old down on his bum at the top of the stairs. "Carefully now."
"Slowly..." Gary mutters, stepping down in front of him and furrowing his brow as Ethan begins to slide his was down the stairs. "Ethan careful."
"Hes fine Gaz.." I breathe out a laugh. "Stop worrying."
"I dont stop worrying when it comes to you two." He grumbles in response as we reach the bottom of the stairs.
"Three." I correct with a small smile, raising my eyebrow as Gary turns to face me.
"Three." He smiles back, placing one hand over my stomach. "And we're calling her Elizebeth."
"We dont even know that its a girl yet." I shake my head slightly, pulling away and slipping into the living room after Ethan.
"It will be." Gary follows me as swoops Ethan up into the air.
" 'Addy! 'Addy no!" The two year old squeals hysterically as Gary swings him round above his head.
"Gary careful..." I mutter slowly, dropping down onto the settee.
"Whos worrying now then eh?" He grins back as he plants Ethan down onto the opposite corner of the settee.
"Oh shut up." I smirk, flinging my arm to hit Gary across the thigh as he stands over me.
"Mumma?" Ethan taps on my thigh to get my attention. "Ipad."
"What do you say?" I raise my eyebrows sightly.
"Ipad please!" He grins back, clapping his hands lightly.
"Good boy." I smile, reaching for the ipad off the coffee table and handing it to the toddler, now i know ive got at least eleven minuets while that keeps him occupied.

"You are coming to the scan on Thursday arent you?" I look up at Gary who is fiddling about on the piano in the corner of the room. I knew i should have let him have it there.
"Where else would i bloody be?" He spins round to give me an exasperated smile.
"I dunno." I shrug, "Out with your boyfriends again? Im sure youve spent everyday this week with Mark."
"Oh dear.." I watch as a grin creeps, slowly over Garys face. "Is someone jealous?"
"No." I pout quickly. "I just miss you when you work so much."
"Well im not working now am i?..." Gary licks his lips slightly as he plants his hands either side of my legs and lowering his lips onto mine.
"Mmh-h." I murmur, locking my fingers at the back of his neck before i pull away slightly. "But theres a two year old right there." I nod my head towards Ethan who is busy tapping about on the Ipad, gargling happily to himself.
"So what?.." Gary smiles against the corner of my mouth, "Ill take him up in a minute, hes getting restless."
"You know he wont sleep." I glance over at Ethan who is now ferociously rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
"He does for me." Gary smirks arrogantly in return, and i can only gape as he moves towards Ethan and picks up up in one swift movement. "Say bye bye to mummy, Ethe." He smiles, demonstrating his waving skills at me.
"Bye-ye, mumma." Ethan grumbles as he wraps his arms tightly around Garys neck, nuzzling his head against his shoulder.
I smile happily to to myself as i rest my feet up on the settee, i guess life is pretty perfect right now...


"Lib...Baby, wake up...Lib im hard..."
I force my eyes open as i feel Gary pull my legs up before resting them over his lap.
"Oh that woke you up didnt it you dirty bitch." Gary grins at me as my eyes adjust to the dim light.
"Oh fuck off." I breathe, throwing the nearest pillow i can reach at him. "How long have i been asleep?"
"About half an hour?" He shrugs as i pull myself up and ease a leg over Garys lap so im straddling him. "Ethans asleep."
"Mmh." I close my eyes and sigh happily as i wrap my arms around his neck. "Youre too good for me, thank you."
"Oh stop talking shit." Gary half laughs as he rests his hands at my lower back, pulling me further onto his crotch. "You know thats not true."
"Im not sure i do." I smile slightly, lowering my lips onto Garys as i move my left hand to toy with the fresh stubble on his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you more baby." He half groans in response as he moves his hands up under my t-shirt, pushing it up over my head, before sliding his hands back to my swelling waist. I groan in response as Gary moves his lips to my neck and begins to suck slowly on my pulse points as always.
"Lets go to bed." I moan as i out stretch my neck, my hands tugging at the hem of his polo shirt as he hardens beneath me.

"No. I want you now." Gary grunts lifting up my bum and pushing my grey tracksuit bottoms, along with my pants, down my legs as i unfasten his jeans, releasing his now hard length.
"Gary." I gasp as he lifts me up slightly, positioning me over his tip. "Please."
"As you wish." He shrugs with a smile, pushing his hips upwards, filling me in one quick movement.
"Fuck," I moan as Garys teeth find my neck and he begins to suck and bite once more.
"Move Libby." He demands, flexing his hips underneath me to create friction between us. I do as im asked and slowly begin to move myself up and down on Garys length, my hands resting on his shoulders for support.
"Faster." He grunts in response, causing me to moan louder as he sinks his teeth further into my flesh. I comply, building up a steady pace and its not too ling before i feel the familiar warmth spreading from my abdomen as my whole body begins to tense.
"Gary..." I moan quietly, "Fuck."
"Dont stop Libby." Gary hisses as he hardens again inside of me, his fingers gripping into the flesh of my hips as he helps me move along his hard on. "Come on baby."
"Shit." I groan and i know i cant hold on much longer.
"I said come on Libby." Gary hisses through gritted teeth. "Come for me."
I moan loudly as i hit my orgasm, tightening completely around Garys erection as i dig my nails into his shoulders.
"Fuck! Yes Libby!" He grunts as he explodes inside of me like a volcano, sinking his teeth into my neck so hard that i have to bite my lip to stifle the scream. "Baby!"
"Shit Gary." I pant as i collapse against his chest. "I miss you when your not here..."
"I can tell..." Gary smirks against the top of my head, "Come on baby, shower then bed."  

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