Chapter Twenty Two

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I drop my head into my hands as i slide down the wall and sink to the floor on the landing, Gary calling me from one side, Ethan from the other.
"Muummmaaa, 'addyyyyy!" Ethan's crying become more frantic and so I force myself to my feet, pushing open the large, white door.

"Hey baby boy.." I whisper, walking over to the cot and lifting out the screaming toddler. "Hey Ethe it's okay," Cradling him in my arms like I did when he was a lot smaller, I rock him gently from side to side, pulling him closer to my body and kissing his hot forehead. "Hey, Mummy's here."
Gradually, the frantic sobs subside, and Ethan retreats to placing his thumb in his mouth as he nuzzles his far against my shoulder blade.


Gary. Shit Gary. I groan inwardly. What the fuck is going on? Glancing at the digital clock next to Ethan's cot, I note the time.
3:14 am.
"Come on..." I whisper against Ethan's temple. "Shall we go and see daddy?"

Silently, and pulling Ethan close, I turn and head back along the landing.
"Lib?" Gary is still sat bolt upright in he'd when I walk through the door.
"I'm back Gaz." I breathe before adjusting Ethan so hes now sat on my hip, wrapping two small arms around my neck.
"Addyyy!!" The toddler gargles when he spots Gary. "Addy! Addy! Addy!"
"Hey Ethe." I make an attempt to distract Ethan for a couple of minutes to buy me some time with Gary. "Whats this eh?" I coo as i drop Ethan down into the pop up play pen, sitting in the corner of the bedroom, and passing him the musical teddy bear. "Eh, look Ethe." I smile, demonstrating by pressing the bears stomach, causing it to belt out verse after verse of 'If Youre Happy and You Know it.'
Ethan grins excitedly in reponse, taking the bear in both hands and bouncing frantically in time with the song. Smiling softly, i ruffle the blonde hair on the top of his head before turning my attention back to Gary, who is still sat up right in bed, but now beaming happily in Ethans direction. Jesus this is confusing.

Walking over to Garys side of the bed, i flick on the bedside lamp, the yellow glow pooling in out corner of the bedroom.
"Hey Gaz.." I smile as i perch on the end of the bed, reaching up and brushing the stray strands of hair forming a fringe from his forehead. "How you feeling?"
Slowly, and with a furrowed brow Gary nods. "Better."
"Mm-h." I nod with him. "Good. Do you want me to get you anything?"
"No." Garys mouth barley opens as the word slips from his lips. "No im fine."
"You sure?" Now its my turn to furrow my brow. "A drink or something?" I gaze at Gary who is staring idly in Ethans direction before my words finally reach him.
"Yea." He nods again. "Ye go on then."
"Alright baby." I smile, leaning up to kiss his forehead before standing. "Ill be back in a minute."

When i re-enter the bedroom with a tray of two steaming cups of tea and a bottle of milk for Ethan, Gary isnt  in bed. Fuck.
"Gary?" I swallow quickly, but any fear i felt is suddenly dashed away when i hear Ethans elated squeal coming from the en-suit. "Gaz?" I call again. "Ethan?.." As i step into the en-suit, i see Ethan sat in the playpen in the corner of the room.
"What are you doing?" I furrow my brow slightly, setting the tray of drinks down on the counter top next to the sink as i turn to face Gary who is naked from the wait up in front of me.
"I need a shower." Gary nods, sitting down on the edge of the bath as he takes one of the mugs of tea from the tray. "I didnt want to leave Ethan on his own."
"Well he wouldnt be on his own would he?..." I try to hide the concern from my features. Is this because of his nightmare?
"Well ye.." Gary lifts the mug of tea to his lips and takes a sip. "Ye he would."
I furrow my brow, but i dont have chance to speak before Gary makes his intentions perfectly clear.

Placing the mug down, back on the counter top, Gary stands from the edge of the bath and saunters towards me, grasping either side of my hips with his large hands and pulling the t-shirt over my head. I cant help but roll my eyes, but glancing back at Ethan at the same time. The toddler appears completely pre-occupied with a set of farm yard animals as he gnaws on the foot of what looks to be a cow, every so often letting out a satisfied, child like mumble.
"Gary..." I try and fail to protest as he begins to walk me backwards towards the shower, stopping momentarily to push his own pyjama bottoms down before stepping in after me and flicking on the water. "Gary.." I mumble again.
"Mmh-h?" Gary smiles slowly as he lifts my arms and wraps them around his neck in order to step closer to me, holding us both under the cascading, waterfall of water. Fuck, thats refreshing.
"Whats this eh?" I smile slightly against Garys neck as the water smacks off our shoulders, Garys hands clasping the base of my back.
"Whats this?" He mimicks my question before he replies. "Its showering with my wife..."
"You know what i mean..." I chuckle slightly as i begin to comb my fingers through Garys, now soaked, hair, gazing at him intently as i do so. "Fifteen minutes ago you were crushing my ribs, telling me you were never letting me go and not wanting to go and get Ethan... and now you want a shower?.."
"I just want to wash it away Lib.." Gary answers steadily, but breaks eye contact as he drops his head onto my shoulder. "It was horrible.."
"Okay.." I breathe as Garys tone drops to something barley above a whisper. "Will you tell me?"
"Not now." Gary shakes his head against my neck. "Not today."
"Okay." I nod once more, understandingly as Gary and i continue to hold each other under the hot water jet, the only sounds to be heard are Ethans occasional tractor noises and he sound of the water smacking off our shoulders.

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