Chapter Fifty Four

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Before i even open my eyes, the easy thrumming of my muscles reminds me of the antics of the night before. I stretch with stiff limbs beneath the covers, and my muscles whine in protest as the kinks knotting my spine slip away one by one.


Opening one eye, i roll onto my back to find Gary smiling down at me, elbow bent, resting on the pillow, supporting his head and looking bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever. The Blackberry he holds across his chest is discarded quickly when he turns and slips it onto the bed side table.

"Sleep well?" He cranes his neck to kiss the corner of my lips, the fingers of the hand formerly holding the Blackberry, pushing my hair back from my shoulders. I nod, smiling, but too stated with sex and sleep to speak. Gary smiles back, the shy smile, the one that is only reserved for Ethan and myself, and my heart skips a beat.

"You look like an angel like this." Gary tips his chin towards my hair, and i can feel it, fanned out against the pillow beneath me, but i furrow my brow non the less.

"Its like a halo.." Gary smiles, nodding towards my hair again by way of explanation, "Of sex mused, blonde hair."

I scoff. "Well didnt you turn into a hopeless romantic over night?" Managing to pull a hand from under the covers, i caress his lovely, lovely face and smile at the way his stubble tickles my palm, or the way he leans his face into my touch, so slightly that to any onlooker, the action would go unnoticed.

"What do you mean?" Gary feigns indignation, pulling back from my caress; screwing his face up and i want to laugh, because it reminds me of Ethan. "Ive always been a hopeless romantic!"

"Yeah?" I grunt, rolling, with no help from my heavy muscles, onto my front, tucking an arm over Garys torso to avoid mashing my face into the pillow and asphyxiating myself. "Sorry, i must not have been listening to all of those serenades.."

"I could serenade you if you like?" Gary offers and opens his mouth. I jerk my arm quickly, slapping a palm across his parted lips before he can start.

"No no no, thank you, its quite alright."

"You do know people pay to hear me sing, dont you?" Gary grins down at me, the hand not supporting his head snaking across my back and pushing me onto my side to face him. When i steal a look at him, his eyes are twinkling like a kid who found the cookie jar, the neat creases at the corners of the aqua green orbs only making me want to reach up and kiss each and every one. I do, however, supress the urge.

"God." I tut, shuffling closer under the covers to rest my head on Garys bicep, my face now directly underneath his. "Going by the look on your face, anyone would think that you got some last night."

Garys grin only widens, revealing two perfect rows of whitened teeth as his left hand slips lower, cupping my ass. "Oh i did. Lots in fact." His fingers flex, squeezing the ample flesh.

I roll my eyes. "Behave."

"I am!" Gary gasps, leaving his hand firmly cupping my backside, but dipping his neck until his lips are inches above mine and smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

I throw him a dubious glance, but the warmth of his body is too inviting for me to pull myself away, so instead, i shut my eyes again, enjoying the steady thrum of Garys heartbeat against my cheek.

"Youre very full of life this morning, what time did you wake up?" I mutter, nuzzling against him. I feel him shrug, the hand at my rear now drawing light circles over my flesh. "Six-ish? Ethan woke up again. I only put him back down about three quarters of an hour ago, he should sleep for a while longer. We have some time spare."

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