Chapter Twenty Five

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"Mm-h." I sigh happly, nestling deeper into the warmth of the mattress and the crook of Garys arms as it hangs around my neck while our naked bodies lie tangled together in bed, the duvet gathered around our waists.
"You okay?" Garys lips pucker against my temple and his finger tips stroke rhythmically against my ribs.
"Yes.." I exhale once more, bringing my hand up to caress his knuckles, still staring up at the blank white of the ceiling.
"Tired?" Gary whispers again and i can feel his warm, calming breath against the side of my face.
"Mm-h, a little bit." Yawning, i stretch quietly, arching my back slightly off the bed. I hear Gary groan steadily next to me. "What?" My eyebrows meet as i roll onto my front.
"Oh no.." Gary groans again in a most displeased fashion. "Dont do that...Roll back over." And a salacious grin captures his lips.
"Gary!" I scold softly, but he carries on.
"I could see more when you were on your back..."
"Gary youre such a pervert."
"Its not my fault your body turns me on is it? Now roll back over." Garys lips flex slightly as he pouts them, gazing up at me expectantly with his big green eyes.
"No!" Giggling softly i drop my head momentarily to land a kiss on the hot skin of his bare shoulder.
I can tell the words are pushed out of his mouth, but before i have chance to answer i can feel two long fingered hands grip firmly onto my upper arms, throwing me roughly onto my back.

"Gaz!" I half squeal, half laugh as im forced back into the mattress, i try and wriggle free but i find myself pinned down instantly as Gary throws a leg over me, ginning wickedly as he straddles my hips, limiting my movement. "Gary get off! You idiot!"
"Mm-h." Gary ignores my plea and instead raises both eyebrows as he extends his hands. "Youre so fucking beautiful Libby. How did i get so lucky?!"
"Gary!" I giggle again, planting my hands on his firm knee caps, but keeping my gaze fixing upon his long fingers as i watch them close unhurriedly around my breasts, squeezing softly.
"Hmm?" Gary carries on. "How the fuck did i pull you?"
I dont answer, instead i push my head back into the pillow, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as his hands begin to fondle my breasts. Garys eyes widen quickly in surprise when mine dont close, his eyebrows twitching slightly in amusement and i know its like some unspoken challenge as he stares deep into my eyes, reading and monitoring every and any small sign of weakness. He wants to see how long i can last.

Swallowing steadily, my gaze remains upon Garys ablaze eyes, but my body betrays my strength.
"Shit." My breathe hitches suddenly when i feel his thumbs run over my nipples.
Gary doesnt say anything. Instead his lips quirk up into a minute, ego-boosting kind of smirk as his forefinger joins his thumb, tugging softly and extracting a moan of delicious agony from my lips.
"Why?" Comes the ever-calm response. "We've got all night." And i fight desperately not to look away from the hypnotic green of his eyes.
"Just stop..." I mutter a finally time, and calling upon all of my inner strength, i lazily, lift my own hands from Garys knees and place them on top of his hands, pulling them casually away from my body by entwining our fingers and stretching them above my head, automatically forcing Gary forwards. "I love you okay." I whisper, running the tip of my nose against the bridge of Garys."But not now."
"Hmm." Gary just puckers his lips pathetically against my top lip in response.
"Youre not in a mood with me are you?" I cant help smiling in amusement as i ask the question, loosing Garys fingers from above my head and running my hands up the lengths of his solid arms to his shoulders.
"No..." Comes the less than assuring response as Gary drops his forehead against mine.
"You so are!" I jibe harmlessly.
"Im not! I just feel rejected...."

Its too late to stop the loud howl of s laugh escaping my lips as i tip my head back into the pillow, laughing almost hysterically at Garys words.
"Rejected? You? Stop being an idiot..." I smirk, moving one hand from Garys shoulder to tap him gently on the nose.
"Mmmh." Garys eyes widen as i pouts at me once more. "You do love me though dont you?..."
"You know i do." My eyes roll almost automatically.
"Are you sure?"
"Gary..." I warn softly. "You know i do, now be quiet." Craning my neck, i lean up and plant a small, delicate kiss against his lips, my fingers combing through the sides of his ever so slightly over grown hair.
"Say it."
I cant see Garys face because im too close, but i can tell hes pouting again because his lips touch mine. Sighing inwardly, so he cant tell, i attempt to control the grin playing on my lips.
"I love you."
"I feel Garys lips move into a smile as the sentence leaves my mouth. "Good. I love you too."
The sentence is completed by Garys lips on mine again, his tongue probing hungrily at my lips, wanting access. Briefly, i pull away, flinging my arms back around his neck.
"Gary youre such a knob head!"
"But its okay, because you love me." Gary grins once more before his mouth is on mine again, and i have no choice but to surcome to his hungry mouth.

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