Chapter Forty Two

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"Ethan, I think mummy and daddy are back." I hear the muffled voice of Clara, the baby sitter as Gary stands outside the front door, fishing for the keys in a coat pocket, one hand instantly wrapped around my waist.
"You know," I raise a wry eyebrow. "You could probably get at them better if you let go of me."
Gary stops fidgeting immediately and looks up at me deadpan."I dont want to let go of you. Do you want me to let go of you?" His fingers drum rhythmically against my hip as his arm tightens around me. Its very distracting. Warily, i shake my head, smiling slowly when Gary abandons the search for the keys and instead snakes both of his hands around my body.
"Youre very clinging all of a sudden.." My tone is inquisitive, cocking my head to one side as i slip my hand into the back pocket of Garys black jeans and pull out the keys. But he merely shrugs a satisfied shrug in response, planting a seconds smacking kiss against my mouth and snatching the keys out of my hand an arrogant smile.
What are you up to,Barlow?

"Mumma!" Ethans delight squeal pierces the air as we enter the house. "Mumma!"
"Careful.." I warn, bending swiftly as he bounds down the hall towards me. "Youll trip.."
Inevitably, he does. And in the two seconds gap before the tears start, Gary has lunged past me like a bolt of light and swept Ethan clean into the air, clutching him to his chest.Chewing on the inside of my mouth to suppress the giggle, i exchange a oh-isnt-he-over-protective kind of glance with Clara.
"You okay, monster?" Garys brow is furrowed softly as he stokes Ethans hysterical tears away with one finger, bouncing him gently on his hip. Ethan sobs harder in response, his small cheeks reddening rapidly.
"Gary, hes fine." I offer gently, placing my briefcase down against the cabinet and tucking a strand of Ethans curly copper hair behind his small ear. "Arent you baby? What hurts?"
Ethan doesnt answer, instead he buries his damp face into the crook of Garys neck and continues to weep, wrapping his little arms as far as he can reach. I smile again, this time turning to Gary. "It surprised him that all, stop worrying." I tap his nose with my index finger, but he just pouts at me.
"But hes crying."
"Thats what babies do, Gary." I giggle, opening the front door again for Clara and seeing her out as he pulls on he coat.
"Are you sure youre okay?" Gary turns his attention back to Ethan, whos tears are beginning to subside, but is continuing to mope against Garys neck. I laugh gently at the pair of them, fishing my Iphone out of my blazer pocket.
"Ethan, look at this baby."
The toddler turns immediately to the foreign item, his eyes sparkling as the widen with curiosity, and a small giggle of appreciation escapes his lips as his tiny hands reaching out to take the phone and his prior tumble seemingly forgotten.

I sit on the settee, half indulged in a mildly captivating serial drama, half listening to Gary, tinkering on the piano behind me. Pen in hand and he begins the piece anew. I twist to look at him, distracting him instantly from his work.
"What are you working on?" Rising leisurely, i pull the knot of my dressing gown loose before retying it as i meander over to the piano. Gary shrugs nonchalantly, tucking a biro behind his ear and pushing himself back on the stool. Ive been married long enough to know that this is my invitation to join him and so i crawl lazily up onto his lap, pulling my knees to my chest, Garys nose nuzzling my hair against my ear as his arms envelop me. Leaving my head against his chest, i adjust myself in order to gaze up at his face, my brow furrowed.
"Are you okay? Youre very quiet."
Gary exhales as he nods, seemingly contented but i know him too well.
"Hey." Pulling myself up, i throw my right leg over his thighs, earning an approving eyebrow raise."Whats wrong?"
Garys eyes widen briefly before he frowns, planting his hands against each of my bare thighs beneath my dressing gown. "Nothing?"
I shake my head at his utter incapability to conceal anything and continue to press. "Gary."
"Libby." His tongue skims his top teeth as his lips twitch in lecherous amusement. I swat his arm, buts his fingers tense firmly into the flesh of my thighs before sliding, with ease, up to my hips.
"Gary get off!" I try not to laugh as i wriggle free, but its no use and my poker face caves into a cheek aching giggle, Gary laughs too, leaning his forehead against mine and kissing my nose. It makes my heart swell. I like playful Gary.
But before i can open my mouth to tell him, i suddenly find myself thrust backwards and up onto the lid of the piano, Gary rising gracefully up off the stool without delay.
I giggle again, "What are you doing?"
But Gary simply rolls his eyes in response, pulling my legs further apart as his hands reach for my dressing gown, pulling it undone and pushing it off my shoulders in a New York minute. My teeth sink into my bottom lip.
"You are amazingly obtuse at times Libby.." Gary mutters, but the sparkle in his eyes tell me that hes joking as his dexterous fingers make short work of whipping my nightdress over my head.
"You can be erratic." I murmur in my defence, most of my concentration however, centred on pushing down his tracksuit bottoms.
"You mean erotic, right?"

I laugh again as my underwear is thrown into a corner somewhere and Garys breath is hot against my ear. Reaching up to his shoulders, i drag the white t-shirt over his head and allow it to pool at our feet, before my fingers entwine at the back of his neck. Gary pulls back momentarily to push down his boxers, releasing his ready hard length, before he steps back into me, his hands finding my hips once more. Scooting forwards on the piano lid, i chew my lip, gazing up at Gary in anticipation as he positions himself between my legs. My breath catches in my throat as his tip presses, hot and hard, against my entrance, but Gary doesnt move, instead he gazes down at me and laughs, loudly.
"This is so cliché."
"What?" I giggle back, subtly pining for more friction between our heady bodies. "Sex on top of the piano?"
Gary chuckles and drops is head against my neck again as he nods, pulling me forwards, onto his length, extracting a delicious gasp from my lips.
"Pretty woman right?"
Gary pulls away from me again, pulling his eyebrows together in bewilderment. "Will you just shut up and let me make love to you?"
I half scoff at his words, but silence instantly, earning a gratifying grin from Gary as his lips find mine, kissing me forcefully, his tongue invading my mouth without a moments notice and i can do nothing but succumb to the relentless rhythm as he begins to move. Really move between my legs, faster still  as one hand glides up to the nape of my neck, holding me in place as he furthers the kiss, never once sacrificing the remorseless pace. I pull away, lost for breath as Garys forehead drops against mine, our bodies writhing in pleasure and his breath hot against my cheek as the air if forced between his teeth.
"Fuck.. Libby.."
The only response i have to offer is a gentle moan as my legs stiffen beneath me, Garys hand on my hip continuing to restrict my movement.
"Libby- come on." His tone is more desperate this time. Carnal, tugging at muscles so deep down inside my abdomen I didn't even know they existed. And that is my undoing. A single, straggled moan escaping my lips as i reach my climax, my body spiralling out of control, pulsating around Gary's as he too lets go, releasing himself inside of me, digging his fingers into my hips roughly, but i am numb to any pain as my own fingernails claw desperately at his shoulders desperate to relieve the intensity on the wave as it finally subsides, taking with it any last ounce of my energy and leaving me lifeless on top of the piano, my body sheathed, in a well spent Gary, muttering something about Pretty Woman.

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