Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter 27 -Gary and Libby
"Earth call?.." I step forward, waving the phone half jokingly in front of Garys face when he doesnt say anything.
"We're you on my phone?"
The lack of an answer to my original questions hits me like a blow to the stomach.
"No. It was just ringing constantly so i went to put it on silent." My voice drops to a whisper at the end as i realise how much of a controlling wife i must sound.
"Okay.." Gary nods slowly, holding out his right palm to receive the phone, which i willing pass, and grasping my wrist gently with his left, pulling me into his body so he can close his muscular arms around the top of my back. "You dont think theres anything going on do you?" He asks gently, as i hook my arms underneath his and back up onto his shoulders, resting the side of my head against collar bone.
"No." I reply simply. And its the truth. He wouldnt do anything like that. I know he wouldnt.
"Mmmh." Gary murmurs gently as he kisses my hair. "Good, come on, go and tuck Ethan in and then we'll crash out in front of the TV eh?"
"Sounds like a plan." I smile sleepily onto Garys shoulder, resentfully pealing myself away from the warmth of his body and heading up the stairs to my waiting son.

"Libbbb, come on..." Gary continues to plead as rolls, as expected, on top of me, his forearms taking the brunt of the weight as he rests them either side of my head.
"Gary!" I giggle, trying to swat his head playfully out of the way so i can take another sip of wine while we lie tangled with each other on the settee, in the lounge only dimly lit by the glow of the television.
"Come on, Elizebeth.." He breathes again, and i can almost taste the aroma of too much fine wine. Grinning widely Gary begins to plant scatterings of kisses from my cheek to my chin, catching my lips only briefly as he goes. "You know you cant resist me."
"Mmh, i think youre wrong..." Giggling softly, i try to avoid fuelling his ego any further. Instead, i make an attempt at changing the conversation. "You know.. You never did tell  me who Helena was.."
"Fucks sake." Garys head drops almost exasperatedly onto my shoulder. "Will you stop going on about her?!"
"Ive only mentioned her twice..." I mutter quietly in my defence. "Theres no need to snap at me.."
"I didnt fucking snap." He snaps again, and i want to roll my eyes but i resist the pressing urge.
"Yes you did..." My voice is almost inaudible  And suddenly i feel as small as a mouse. The physical act of Gary lying on top of me, pinning me down, unable to move, mirrors my perfectly my position of being emotionally and mentally inferior.
"What did you say?" Garys voice is gruff suddenly, and i know its induced my one too many glasses of red, but that doest change the sudden release on adrenaline spiking my blood.
"Nothing." Whispering slowly, i shut my eyes. I dont need a debate now.
"Yes you did. Im not stupid Libby."

The red wine seems to take a sudden effect and an unexpected confidence comes from somewhere unknown.
"Why do you do this?" I shift uncomfortably underneath the strong body.
"Do what?"
"Flip out." I answer. "Over the stupidest things and get all aggressive. I dont get it."
"I havent flipped out." Gary hisses suddenly, lifting his body from mine and standing over me.
"And then you do this..." I carry on, and secretly its because im enjoying winding him up too much. "Then you stand up, over me..because it makes you feel more powerful. All because i asked who Helena was... maybe i will start to believe that theres something going on.. youre getting very defencive " I raise my eyebrows with a sarcastic, over confident smile. And immediately im put back into place.
"Dont you give me fucking attitude." Gary hisses through tightly gritted teeth. "If you want to believe theres something going on with Helena then do what you fucking want."You can be such a silly little girl at times."

And before i have the chance to answer, hes gone. Slamming the living room door as the sound of his intoxicated footsteps disappear up the stairs."
"Fucks sake." I hiss slowly. What the hell got into him? Silly little girl?! He can be so mean sometimes... he just flips. Its like treading on egg shells.... One minute he wanted to have sex and the next hes stormed off up stairs, i mean, i know hes had a few to drink but really?! And he calls me over dramatic.
Im pulled suddenly from my thoughts by the all to familiar, abrupt tone of Garys phone. Unthinkingly, as only a person who has had too much to drink would do, i press accept and hold it to my ear.

"Oh Gary! Finally baby, i thought you were never going to get away...."

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