Chapter Fifteen

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When i open my eyes again theyre sore, really sore.
I turn my gaze to Gary who is rythically coming trough my hair from root to tip.
"Hey." My voice is weak.
"How you feeling?"
I shake my head in response, pushing it further back into the pillow. "Like nothing."
"Hey." Gary breathes, pressing his lips against my temple. "Hey, come on."
"I dont want to." I feel the tears building in the backs of my eyes once more. "I dont even want to move every again Gary.."
"Come on Lib." Gary half groans as he loops an arm around my neck and pulls me into an upright position, adjusting the pillows behind me as a tall grey haired doctor enters the room.

"Mrs Barlow." He smiles, "Mr Barlow." He nods towards Gary who smiles back politley. "How are you feeling?"
"Physically?" I sneer, "Fine."
"Lib come on..." Gary mutters, and i think hes embarressed by my behavior as he rubs my back soothingly.
"And emotionally?" The grey haired doctor prompts.
"I feel like somebodys ripped out my heart and stamped on it twenty times." I narrow my eyes because if i dont the tears will fall.
"Mrs Barlow." The doctor takes a step closer. "I understand how youre feeling but yo-"
"No you dont." I laugh almost hysterically, "You have no idea how i feel." I lift a hand to my cheek to wipe away the straying tear. "You havent got a clue."
"Mrs Barlow we had to oporate. You would have died."
I swallow hard because i dont have anything else to say. The doctor carries on.
"The good news is you appear to have made a full recovery."
"Can i go home?" I ask.
"Not yet."
"But you said id made a full recovery?"
"Mrs Barlow, you've broken two rips and undergone surgery to your abdomen to stop internal bleeding. We're going to need to keep you in for another forty-eight hours."
"Two days?!" My eyes widen "Im 200 miles from home and i have a two year old son. I cant possibly stay here for two more days."
"Mrs Barlow its not negotiable."
"Gary tell him!" I turn in desperation to my husband.
"Libby hes right." He raises his eyebrow at me. "You know he is."
"I feel fine." I mope, folding my arms across my chest the way Ethan does when he doesnt get his own way. Ethan. I want to see Ethan.
"Ill speak to her Doctor." Gary nods, "Thank you."
"Mr Barlow." The grey haired man smiles warmly towards Gary before facing me. "Mrs Barlow." And then hes gone.

We sit alone in an awkward silence for a little while. Im in a mood. I dont know why, i just am. Maybe its because Gary wouldnt stick up for me. Even though i kow thats an utterly pathetic reason because hes only looking after me.
"I want to see Ethan." I mutter eventually.
"Youre not mad at me are you?..." Gary prods my arm gently with his finger, but i keep my gaze fixed firmly on the clock above the door. "Libby..." Gary prods my arm again, a little more firmly this time. Again, i dont answer. "Elizebeth... You cant resist me."
I bite down firmly on the inside of my cheeks to stifle the giggle.
"Come on Libby..." Gary coos again, this time pressing his lips against my elbow. "I thought id lost you. Stop acting like a two year old."
"I want to see Ethan." I repeat.
"As soon as you give me as kiss."
"Thats blackmail!" I whip my neck round so fast i think i have whiplash.
"Its working though isnt it?" Gary smirks, the corners of his mouth twitching towards his eyes and the smile on his face gives me a new lease of life. I havent seen a proper smile in what feels like forever.
"Maybe.." I twist my fingers in my lap and try to avoid Garys steady gaze.
"Kiss me." He repeats, "Or ill kiss you."
I dont move.
I stay frozen like a statue, until i feel the warmth of Garys soft lips pressed gently against mine, silently asking permission. I grant it, and part my lips slightly in response as Gary runs his tongue between my lips. Running my hand up his arm to the nape of his neck, i moan in discomfort as i shift onto my side.

"You okay?" Garys breathes, his breath warm against the corner of my mouth as he pulls away.
"Im better now." I smile shyly, stroking my fingers deliactly through Garys hair and down to his stubbled cheek as i lie back against the soft white pillows. "I missed your lips.." My lips move into a small smile as i run a single index finger over Garys bottom lip, pulling it down slightly as i go. "Thyere always warm." My finger slips down onto his stubbled cheek as Garys mouth quirks into a small smile, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
"Im glad you like them." He breathes as he lowers his face towards mine once more. "Sleep now baby, you need to get your strenght back."
"Kiss me again." I whisper as i feel exhastion pulling at my eye lids.
"If you promise to sleep."
"I promise."
No sooner are the words are my mouth, than i feel Garys lips against mine again, kissing me slowly and gently, like hes taking care of me. I dont have any energy to do anything but smile as he pulls away, planting one last kiss against the corner of my lips.

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